Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Romeo, oh Romeo

wherefore art thou Romeo?....seriously where are you? bwa. I was out xmas shopping this past week and i found this kids jewelry box and it played the prettiest song ever ! It was the last one there and it was out of its original box so i coudln't find the song name. All the other jewelry boxes were playing typical tunes like brahmns lullaby and swan lake or something. I asked both my brother and my friend if they knew what the song was and my brother was like *romeo and juliet* and i didn't believe him and i spent like 20 minutes trying 2 find the packaging with no avail. Today however i felt inclined to go online 2 look for romeo and juliet. Because i had a slight feeling that maybe my brother was right. The first 5 songs i found were like classical tchaikovsky and mozart-y stuff and they weren't the ones i was looking for. Sooo i cleaned up my room a bit and then just right now i went 2 look for it again. and Voila! boy my brother is smart. Hiiigh-yaaah, sooo 2morrow i have 2 get up early and go back 2 WEM and look for some presents for my two bro-thers. I think i'm aiming for some clothes. Tra lal aaaa. My mom is coming back out with me on the 26th or something so that she can get her hair cut. Oy oy. I found those shoes that Sherry from work had! hohoh i was so happy. siiigh. Did i mention to anyone that i'm almost broke? erg arg. Soooo i think i'm going to go 2 bread now then okey! (whats with all the exclamation marks today ey, haha) Oo oo, PS i'm going back 2 fort mac 2morrow. So i prolly wont have an entry for a few weeks. I'm scared someone will bootleg the turntableau i purchased for my uber cool cousin, on the bus while i am being distracted by overly gorgeous men. *Sigh* Fare-thee-well

Saturday, December 17, 2005


....我想你.... ohohoh hahaa, look everybody, i can read basic mandarin! *sniff sniff* this is the happiest moment of my life. Ahh, i finished my last and final exam today. yay yay! I can read and write some basic mandarin now everyone!!! ohoho i'm so happy. hahah Right after i finished my exam i went straight to WEM. hahah I haven't been there for like 4 months i swear. le sigh. Theres so much stuff i want to buy for myself right now.... I want to get a new pair of shoes (kinda 2 now that i think about it), a new backpack, a new bag/purse, a new cellphone, a new jacket..... *siigh* I have to finish all my xmas shopping first before i go do anything though. Oh, except that i bought myself a hat today.....i feel kinda bad....but then again not really....hahaha. Jargon 5 I'm so glad the winter break is finally here....although i have to say that this semester went by extremely quickly, and i think i'm pretty content w/ how my exams went. Still a little bit if-y on the econ one (i swear i did super on the first half then i scrambled to finish). Maybe i should sign up for more classes next sem so that i'm super busy and time therefore passes by more quickly cuz i'm not always just waiting around. I think some pretty interesting stuff happened since my last entry but i can't seem 2 remember anything... ho hum. Oh right i ahve 2 clean up my apt a little bit and do some laundry....har har har.... sigh. Welp gotta go folks, ttyl

Saturday, December 03, 2005

embarassing moment

hello fellow village people,
i have an anecdote to tell everybody. And i will say this here and now. i did not fabricate any....*any* of the following story up. And so it begins....
On thursday morning i woke up late and was therefore rushing around the house packing up my bookbag for class and work following immediately after. I left the house 10 minutes later than usual so when i got outside i started speedwalking (in the freshly snow covered sidewalk mind you) I turned into the stairwell entrance of the Grandin station and walked down two steps. My right foot pretty much slid right out from underneath me, off the step and into the air. Basically i was airborne for a good 5 seconds, where i then proceeded to land on the stair bum first....yes....ouch. (what? did anybody see me?) Oh if only that were the case. There just so happened 2 be a girl 2 steps in front of me when i slipped. And since when you slip down stairs you dont fall straight up but rather forward, i....i kicked her. i kicked her in the back, ladies and gentlemen. In my slow motion airborne state i seen her stumble and grab the hand rail with all her might, and (thankgod) she did not fall down) sooo i landed on the ground and she turned around and looked at me. seen me on the ground and immediately asked me if i was okay. I was kinda embarassed so i was like *oh yeah i'm fine im okay....oh my goodness im so sorry i didn't mean 2 kick you in the back, are YOU okay?!?! i'm so sorry* and she took it pretty good she was like *oh no no i'm fine i'm fine, are you sure your okay? because you slipped* and i was like *heheh yeah hahah (so embarrased) i'm okay* so she turned around to go down the rest of the stairs and i got up. (hahaa....still not the end my friends still not the end) I stood up. took one step, took another...ohp...nope didn't even make it two steps when i did *exactly* the same thing....again. My legs flew out from underneath me and i landed right back on my bum. EXCEPT, this time....i did NOT kick the girl. Rather than kicking her this time shoe *flew off* and rolled down the steps. The girl looked at this pink shoe at the bottom of the steps and was like ** she turns around, and once again, sees me sitting on the floor on the opposite side of the stairwell. *OH MY GOD, ARE YOU OKAY?!?!??! are you dizzy me to call for help or soemthing* dear me i think she thought i was like sick or about to pass out (or thought i was on drugs is what my daddy said) soooo i stood up and i was like *'m just tired....hahah....yeah.....* because honestly i didn't want to tell her that i feel fine and i dont know why i just fell down a flight of steps 2 consecutive times. i mean come on, after you fall down once you figure you'd wake up and be alert. NooooOOooo not corinna, i'm still all lethargic after wiping out on a flight of stairs..... hhaha but yeah.... that is the end. and once i again i repeat, this is all true. (seriously though, i've only EVER seen shoes fly off in cartoons) ever time i told someone that story they didn't really beleive my shoe flew off....but it did.....i remember because i was there..... le sigh. i have the stair bruise to prove it. hahah. but i guess thats all.... i can't wait to tell sherry in class on monday. hahah aaaah. no matter how many times i've said it *i kicked her in the back* makes me laugh *everytime* aaaaaaaaaaaah

Thursday, December 01, 2005

*sigh* what a relief

*siiiigh* i 'finally' got all my hw finished. I was really really worried on Monday (as if you couldn't tell from the previous entry). As bad as it is to admit it, but having so many people out here really did take its toll on me. Gramma and daddy left this morning and low and behold i finished my *whole* accounting assignment today....just the past 2 hours. good grief i'm so relieved. This semester's almost over too! Ohohoh i'm so happy. It went by extremely fast. I'd like to believe its because i managed my time wisely. I had 4 courses to keep me busy and when i wasn't in school i was almost always at work. so that left me with only the weekends open and that was most likely reserved for doing homework....oh goodness haha i'm a dweeb. But it worked....Anyways, the main reason for this blog today is in regards to a recent design assignment i got. Its called 'reincarnation' and the basic objective is to create a new and useful object/piece of furniture/something out of readymade objects. (ie a table out of a cutting board and 4 potato mashers) So on tuesday i went 2 the dolla store w/ irish and bought some kuffufin to dook around with. That night i came home and brainstormed for like 5 hours straight and all i came up w/ was a bucket shoe tree....(yes, ingenious i know) I had designers block. dear me. But today i was sitting in the studio w/ my classmates and i was looking at these 2 cd's that i had crammed in my bag'o'goods. And a thought pried itself into my head. I liked the look of the backs of cd's and the way that those 2 cd's were overlapping each other looked pretty neat. I thought that maybe i'd make a serving tray out of glued together cd's and maybe if i could find some cheap records at an antique shop or something i could use those too. i realized that the tray would be a bit wobbly due to the varying heights of the overlapping cd's and records so i'd have to put a piece of plexi glass on top to even it out. ....20 mintues later when i was waiting for the train to come, I was still thinking of what else i could do to my cd/record serving tray. then i thought, w/ a plexi glass top like that it won't really be a serving tray any more but more like a table top. and i thought of what i could use for a base. I wanted 2 stay w/ this slighly electronic/techno theme when i suddenly remembered....i had a old, old box-y tv collecting dust in my closet. the screen was flat and if i turned it on its back (w/ the screen facing up) i could put the serving tray on that and use the tv as my base!!!! Holly hell, i got home and the first thing i did was dig out that TV. I almost did that leprechaun hop because the telly was almost perfect. i'd have 2 make a little foot thing 2 keep it from wobblying but my goodness so great. tee hee. I felt kinda bad about ruining perfectly good records so i thought maybe i wouldn't glue them down. and that led to the idea that they could be removable....which led to the other idea of making a removable record serving tray and cd coasters. HOLLY HELL i can't believe i thought of all of that in 1 hour! HOHOH boy i'm getting goosebumps. Jeff brought out this neat like....neon pinkish plexi glass and i'd love to use that to laminate like...the record tray or a couple coasters. My god, i hope this turns out. haha My *great* ideas have the tendancy to bomb a lot of the times....but times change dont they?! I'm kinda sad because A) all that stuff that i bought at the dollar store i'm not going to use (ie cat food bowl....) and B) i'm prolly going to spend much more time and effort (and possibly moolah) on this project even though its not worth half as much as the previous 3.... please PLEAAASE turn out tv-cd-record table.
PS. since i was going for this big party tray/table i thought of using those funnels i got as like....cups. hahah ITS A GOOD IDEA, MAN. The 2nd funnel holds EXACTLY one shot, and the big funnel holds 4 shots. if i could i'd drill 4 holes into the plexi glass and have the funnels sit in them....My god i just want to mass produce this baby.

Monday, November 28, 2005

its hard to admit

i made a recent discovery. Last year when i was constantly stressed out and depressed i cried *a lot* .... Today, after 8 months, i cried. For the entire time that i was in the shower. I was so upset because since i only cry when i'm stressed it pretty much means i'm stressed out. and if it persists i'm get depressed again. I feel like i'm failing behind in school work right now in EVERYTHING. Theres so many people out here at our place right now its getting really hard to do anything. Everywhere i go theres clothes and suitcases everywhere. and i cant seem to do any work anywhere. Usually i'll do my art work on the living room floor in front of the tv and then i'll work on it, take a break, work on it, etc. But because my dad and grandparents are out here i have to pick everything up and put it away right away. And i can't even leave the smallest thing out like a cup or something. My brother got mad at me because i told him i was really behind and named all the hw that i still had remaining. He asked me 'what the hell i've been doing all this time'. and i honestly raised my voice a bit and told him 'I can't get ANYTHING done around here.* I'm most productive at night. I usually do my work on the kitchen table, but i can't now because dad is sleeping in the living room. I do my acctg hw in my room at night but i can't now because my gramma is sleeping in there. And felix's room is definitly out of the question because he sleeps in there. So at night i have nothing left 2 do but go to sleep. But, of course, i can't because A) i'm not tired, and B) i know i have so much hw to do. So i toss and turn for like 3-4 hours and that results in me waking up tired and sleeping in the afternoons. So not only am i falling behind in school but i'm also losing sleep. And what makes it even worse is that my grandpa is in the hospital still. and, i mean hes doing better but the nurses gve him a bunch of pain killers and hes all woosy and out of it, and my gramma worries about him. Today was kinda the first day i went 2 go see him and i was expecting 2 stay there an hour, and then i could come home and fiish my clocks. but they ended up staying at the hospital for almost 3 hours. and i started 2 get really frustrated because i wnted 2 go home. but then i started 2 get angry at myself for being selfish. Here was my grandpa in a hospital bed and my gramma worried 2 death over him and all i wanted 2 do was go home and finish my homework. And now i'm extremely stressed out because i know i'm falling behind, and im extremely confused at to what i should give first priorities to. I feel so bad because I DONT LIKE BEING DEPRESSED. it sucks and i know because i've had mild cases before and managed to get better and be able 2 look back and know how much it sucks. And now i feel like i'm falling back in again and as much as i dont want to i can't seem to help it. I tried really hard not to cry today because i knew that if i did it would be like i was saying that i was starting that road again. And it felt so bad in the shower because in the past when i cried i always thought about all the things that were making me cry and then i'd cry harder. and that is exactly what happened it's pretty much a given fact right now that i'm stressed out. I haven't figured out if i'm depressed yet (i'm saying it like im happy, but trust me i'm not) I dont know how i'm going to finish the rest of 2005 if everything keeps going on like this. I just dont want go back to being sad and always crying again because like i've figured out. i hate it.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

i just want to ax-plode

that is what i want 2 to. So fellow townsfolk, since i haven't written an entry in what seems like aeons, i will give the update. My nice humble abode has now turned into a shack hotel. Its not that i dont like having many relatives over, its just that i can't get anything done. I feel so deprived right now. I'm sharing a room w/ my brother, who gets up at 7AM each morning and his radio alarm plays for an hour before he gets up. I'm a fairly light sleeper, so i'm up once that alarm clock goes off, till 2 hours later after he leaves for work. And then after that its like 9AM and the other family members start waking up and shining lights in my eyes. *sob sob* i'm so tired. and i failed my econ like 1 mark....sob sob But. on the plus side grandpa had his heart surgery today and it went okay is what i hear. I had 2 go to class so i didn't get 2 stay. and theeeeen i went 2 shop class and constructed a clock. whoo hoo. This project i thought was actually pretty fun, its coming along i think i'll safely say. However, i discovered just now that the body of my clock is a bit big....SOB SOB. Oo oooh, haha so my instructor isn't appearing to ignore me anymore. hohoh thats always a plus, i think perhaps he has realized that maybe i'm not snobby and that i actually really know nothing about the shop. hahaha. bryan on the other hand. ohoho boy i'd like to give him a piece of my mind. i dunno whats up with him. erg arg....alas, i'm supah tired right now, and i shoulda been asleep 22 minutes ago. so i think that is what i will do.

Monday, November 14, 2005


why oh why. i dont know. hahaha. boy boy, many ppls birthdays are coming up again. ho hum. hehehe but the maaain reason i'm writing this blog tonight. is...hohoh you prolly know, its in regards 2 bento c man. hahaha gossip gossip time ladies and gentlemen. so me and sherry we alwasy gossip about him when he comes in to eat lunch on thursdays (oh about how good looking he is, and how something something) and last last thursday, we were talking about him and just as we finished he walked in through the door. and the bumbling elementary school girls we appeared to be we started giggling really hard. and he asked us what was wrong and then sherry said that we were just gossiping about him...hahah yeaaah *smooooth aren't we* hahah and THEN. this week, sherry told me that he hasn't shown up for the whole week. (this is the same guy whos ordered the same thing almost every day of the year for 4 years we're talking about) and we were like *uh oh, do you think he got creeped out because we were talking about him* hahah so then jen and us decided 2 go and eat at joey's on friday (no not just cuz of bento c man, but for numerous other reasons....that i cannot remember) har. sooo friday night rolls around and me and the girls and guys go 2 joey's at 11 30. and low and behold who is there? whoo ha whooo. yeaaah he looked pretty good in his pink dress shirt and glasses. But everybody knows i have a weakness for well dressed men... hoho put em in a tie and good smelling cologne and i prolly wouldn've passed out. hahah sherry was pretty happy. yeah her food was gross and missing stuff but she was still pretty happy. and basically the 6 of us sat at the restaurant and talked about bento c man. hahahah it was great. we all debated upon whether or not he could be gay or not. Today i went 2 work and brian told me that him and sherry were flirting on saturday. OHhohoho. hahah. Its good 2 know that we didn't scare him off, hahaha. Le siiigh. The idea came up once again that my bad luck in relationships could be contagious. (Depending on how much i see someone.) All the examples i can think of involving break ups. When kat and i were still good buddies she had 0 bf's that lasted longer than like 2 weeks, ditto w/ cathy, and iris has never had one. Stephen from work broke up w/ his 6month girlfriend, and couple days ago Eric also broke up with his almost a year girlfriend, and i think Tracy broke up w/ her bf too. However, after i stop being close friends the bad luck rubs off completely. Kat now has like...a steady 2 year boyfriend, and Cathy recen....well last month she met a guy and they seem 2 be hitting it off well..... sigh i dont want to be bad luck relationship girl....poooh.

Monday, November 07, 2005

bento c man

hahaha you know, i realized i have never ever said anything about bento c man in this blog before. hahaha how amazing. Buuuut, bento c man is the goodlooking guy who comes into work pretty much every lunch and has....yup you guessed it. bento c. hahah i only see him once a week because i only work lunch once a week. but today... ohohoh no i saw him today eating ....*dinner* bento. hahahah ....(mumble grumble) but old gramma lady on the phone took so long ordering food that he left. so sad. BUT hohoh my admirer came intoday. hahah naw just kidding. he prolly just likes the food. but, he comes in every sunday and only sunday, when i'm hostessing and orders take out. and now all the sushi chefs know about him and they always comment about him when he comes in. hahah aaah i think its greaaaat. On the other hand my boss keeps like, trying 2 play matchmaker w/ me and the now single sushi chef. hahaha i dunno if he really is or if hes just trying 2 joke around, but he keeps on like. telling me he likes me, and asks us if we're going on dates and stuff.... hahah its very flattering. MAAAN I JUST WANNA.....ERRNNUUUUGH. i went 2 three...THREE dvd/cd stores today trying 2 look for those 2 (or even one) dane cook cd/dvd things. so angary. so i just orderd them off amazon....YES I KNOW I'M TRYING 2 SAVE MOOLAH FOR NYC.... sob sob but i can't help it.... i also wanted 2 buy the oblongs today....and the undergrads. those 2 are my faaaavourite..... le sigh. but i'm going 2 go now, ttyl folks

Sunday, November 06, 2005

i'm the yellow tooth dont brush me

hahah i haven't laughed at a joke that hard in a loooong time. So funny. i'm in heart with dane cook. hahahah hes so energetic and his laugh is so cute. hahah say whaaa? its 13 years older than me?? PAH thats not so bad. hahaha but yeah. Maybe HOHO just MAYBE my trip to NYC will happen to coincide with a gig he has. OH YEAAAAAH. hahaha must stop eating toffifee. i went to my friend emily's house to play card games. hahah we played slaps. I think one of my veins popped. I'm wearing that watch that cathy gave me for my birthday to see how long i can last before my hand turnes into a giant hive. (to all those who dont know i'm allergic to certain metals btw) ooooh boy, i was supposed 2 do my econ assignment but IT WAS TO HARD erg i hate schoolio, i wish i could just take drawing/artsy courses everyday. BOY that would be great. Hhahaha but i will drone some more about dane cook. Hahah so he is now the guy that i have a infatuation with. It'll prolly go away after a month but until then. oh boy oh boy i'm going to be like a stalker. tee hee. he's so funny, i couldn't stop laughign at that teeth turn on/off audio one. I get turned on when a girls got nice teeth, like i dont want her to open her mouth and its liek a battle of epic porportions. hahahahah that one makes me laugh when i just think about it. aaaaah. i think i should go to bread now so that i can get up and do my econ hw doodles. PS. it took me like 2 hours to get that dane cook finger banner/button thing up...hahah amazing.....i'm so proud

Saturday, November 05, 2005

i want that....

anyboby recognize that? haha dane cook says that. I've been watching video clips of his for like 5 hours straight. hahaha when hes funny, MAN is he funny. Hes so energetic too. hahah and not to mention bery berry handsome. But alas, hes like....14 years older than me...hahah.... Em....aside from watch dane cook videos all night i didn't really do anything else. I went 2 mandarin class.... then went 2 the bank were i discovered i at a little over a thousand left in my account....hahah thats g-rrrrr-eat. Then i went 2 save ons 2 purchase some brah-cali. and then...who hohooo i went 2 pick up my shoes that came in yesterday. hohoho so happy. I counted all the shoes that i could see today and in the apartment alone, i have 20 pairs..... i'm ashamed.... but at the same time stylin'....yeah baby. There was something important i wanted 2 write in here today. but....i cannot remember. It was probably nothing..... on a different note, the marble slab is now open. OH-hohoh, now my life is complete. Quick access to school, quick access to work, quick acess to a grocery store and buses.....and finally....quick acess to a ice cream parlour. aaaaah. hahaha BUT i think i'm going 2 sleep now. siiigh, i heart you dane cook your so energetic and funny.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

absolutely not

is what i'd say if asked do i like being single.
boo-urns. Soooo i'm finishing up my ID project. Kinda worried because i dont think i'm going to get a great mark on it. I mean "I" sure am proud of it especially being my very first assignment and all, but i dont think its like his standard of quality. and the whole presentation thing? oh dear god i think i mighty hyperventilate thinking about it. i mean i'm sure everyone in the class can tell by my shortness of breath and stuttering that i'm super nervous already, no need to re hash the presentation bit. erg arg. still in a jammy dont know what to do to do. I have a mandarin quiz 2morrow. oh boy thats great i just remembered that. after that i think i will go 2 the studio and spray my door handle and then, i'll see if i can figure out whether or not i should put my iso's and sketches on a big piece of mat board. ooooh poop. this is a weird class. arg i dont know how i should present what do to to do? i think i will write out some notes so i hopefully wont blank out in class again....althought i have a feeling that i will like i did last time. aaaanyways. haha did i tell you i think i'm not that ugly anymore? whoo whooo. well actually I dont really think that it just appears that the people seem to be noticing me more than usual. hoh hoh. i'm so happy, it brings a tear to my eye. but really i think it was super brian that rubbed it in. hahaha like i dont think he has said a word 2 me since class started and then, i dunno, maybe it was the scary make up. but yeah, hahaha. its okay though, feels kinda nice to not be the ugly one anymore. arg, i wish i didn't think so hard about the presentation 2morrow now i'm going 2 get super nervous. silly jeff why'd you have 2 give that big schpeel on how important a good presentation is. well i mean i do know that its important but i'm sure everybody does. arg he's prolly just directing it to me because i suck at those. i HATE presentations. All those eyes staring at me. BOO-urns.... MAN i wish contact cement would dry quicker

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

no more depression

I'm positive there isn't anyone who has read every single entry that i have written to date, so i'm prolly the only one to realise this but. I feel like i've changed alot this year. I say this because i'm pretty sure its true. I just visited my friends blog pages and she has one that she writes in when she feels depressed. And i've read all the entries so far, and they remind me of entries that i used to write in my diaries. I used to feel really worthless and ugly and i used to cry at night time and wonder why i didn't have a better life. I always had thoughts about dying and i'm not proud to admit it but i have small scars on my wrists from certain times when i just wanted to die. I duno what changed in me but i haven't cried in like 8 months. I feel really conceited for saying this but at the same time i'm proud because I think i over came my depression. (if it really was depression.) I dont dwell in the past anymore and i think thats a major kicker if your fighting depression. Dont Dwell in the Past. Whats done is done, and no matter how hard you think about it and what you would have done instead, theres nothing you can do to change the past. Thats what i do now, and honestly i feel a lot better. If i embarass myself so what. Tomorrow is a new day, if you dont think to hard and take it to seriously you wont care about it and it wont bring you down.... hha what a weird entry this one was. But yeah i just realized it and i wanted 2 share. i'm happy i'm not sad anymore : )


i'm 38 minutes to late.... it is no longer halloween..... le sigh. halloween is my favorite day of the year. oh crap, i forgot i have morning classes 2morrow. maybe i should sleep rather than write this blog....nah. so yeah these past few days were pretty fun. fun for sure. i had 2 work all day on my birthday but i got birthday sushi. haha. mm mmm. and then i got pree-sents at home. Tchow gave me a giant john cena is lying on the ground right next to me as i speak. irish got me some froggy grippy socks and the first thing i did was test those babies out. Yes, i tested out socks. i also got 2 wallets. haha this is what happens when i complain about needing new things. On friday, me and kat went out 2 have lunch, which was nice cuz it was just me and her. and then at night after work me and the ladies (minus cathy) went out and had dinner at joey tomatoes. we managed 2 rack the bill up to 115$$ hahah. On saturday i really wanted 2 go out so i asked tara 2 come clubbing w/ me (which she did, i like clubbing w/ tara more than cathy but shh) we went 2 the ONE on whyte and got the word *kevin* stamped on our hands. haha (dont ask why) I danced w/ a young magician and tara....tara danced w/ a penis. (i htought he was a giant squid.) hahah but it was pretty fun. i seen 2 couples make out. watching that on the internet seems okay, but in real life, i almost threw up a little. hahah. we got stuck in the southside for a good hour and finally got a taxi at like 3 30AM. but it was pretty fun, haha i didn't die, so yeah i'll say it was fun. On sunday i pretty much did nothing. studied a bit, worked on my handles. Then set back my clock an hour. i love sleep. haha. Today i dressed up as the grudge girl and wore a white sheet w/ holes cut out to be a ghost. haha my classmates laughed at me. haha. I dunno if being the grudge girl makes me look prettier or something because a lot of the guys from class talked 2 me today. hahah dunno if that should make me happy or sad. BUT i figured that brian's pretty funny, hahah yeah hes nice. Jeff (classmate jeff) was edward scissorhands. and will...willie....william he was link. i laughed. bronwyn i dont kow what she was but her costume was purdy too. sherry was a witch hahaha she had pretty eyelashes. i was talking 2 quinton today and i was a little creeped out cuz i wasn't sure if he was hitting on me. hahah prolly not but aaaah dunno. i think i'm allergic 2 that white make up that i've been using theset past couple of days....oh so bad. hahah. But 'm going 2 go and take a quick shower then sleep. oh OH ps. jeff...instructor jeff... haha yeah hes married....and has a kid. hahahah the girls didn't believe me. (and they thought i was hearing things) hahaha. welp toodles.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

look everybody, i'm not ugly anymore!

aaaah, i've always wanted to say that. Soooo hopefully if many of you couldn't tell i'm not exactly confident that i'm a pretty girl. hahah in fact in high school i know i wasn't a pretty girl. i was downright uuuug-ly. BUT today it dawned a bit on me that i'm prettier now. yaay. haha you have no idea how happy i am. My boss was probably joking but he said *Stephen thinks your pretty* and had he said that like 8 months ago i prolly woulda ran away like a little school girl. hahaha but no i took it like a mean. hhaha aaah, i was so touched. Em, and then after i got off work i walked 2 save on's and there were like 3 guys standing outside mongolie grill, and yeaaah...i checked them out, hahah i'd like to think they were also checking me out as i checked them out... yeah baby, me like that. hahaha at least i hope they were hot guys. and then as i was crossing 100ave, a man propositioned me. haha no he passed me an said *hey howsit going*....haha yeah i sound like a neanderthal. But hey sounds like a possible pick up line to me. har har. But alas i should go 2 bed, i have soooo much school work to do, and here i am slacking off. i'm supposed 2 finish my china 101 hw (which i wont cuz its not technically due) and then make my des 370 models (which if i dont do 2morrow i will finish on monday after mandarin class) and then study for accounting midterm (which i will try my best to make first priority) ooooh, btw i bought a pair of pretty earings on friday. except this is what happens when you buy them from kiosk people. one of the posts was like 2x as big as my ear hole, so i had 2 widdle it down 2 an appropriate size. and even after that i think they're like 16's, which is 2 big for my 18's and therefore my lobes are a bit swellish...yes, i said swellish ladies and gentlemen. haha me and felix watched eurotrip yesterday. it was funny....theres so many...penises

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

legato sama

so sad. my blind date was exactly like a bad episode of....*blind date* the most awkward moments of silence ever. i felt sad because he really didn't seem to get it that i only wanted 2 be friends. He was really REALLY not my type. i knew that from the 2nd day i talked to him. sob sob. i didn't go on msn for like 4 days because i didn't want 2 talk 2 him.... and i didn't want to block him becuase thats really mean and rude. Not to mention its happened to me before and i'd prefer to know that i also didn't place that feeling on someone else. So today i was dropping hardcore hints. but no avail. And FINALLY he asked me if he could see me again and i said *as friends sure, lets have cofee sometime* and then i got scared that he was going to freak out on me. buuuut he didn't. so that was good. yeaaah. PHEW load off my chest. oh and i think this is the first time that i feel absolutely positive that i passed a midterm. Yuuuup without a doubt. whooo weee. Now all i need is that damn donnie darko man to msg me and brighten up my week. Yaa-hooo. something else really funy happened. Me and sherry stayed after class in design to work on our projects and haha it was great. i shot a jolly rancher at her. hahaha me and her tell each other funny stories. aaaah. welp gonna go cut my own hair. bye everyboby. oh right, as for the title of this blog. on my blind date i went 2 comix hobby and found a legato figure. it was the happiest moment of my life.....well more like during those 3 hours. i found him hidden behind midvalley the hornfreak and zazie... i'm such a nerd. hahaha

Saturday, October 15, 2005

doom doom doom

doom is the word around here. Sooo yeaaah. i've landed myself a blind date tomorrow. dont even ask. Well i guess its not really blind, like i've seen his picture hes seen mine, that sort. SOB SOB. i'm having horrible ideas already of awkward silences. So mean. From what i've gotten from him i think that the most we could be is just friends. Not saying that anythings not possible, but i just dont seem that interested in him. Boohoo how horrible is that. I hope i dont do another mitch job again. Althought this time i'd have to say that i was pretty careful. No abandoned back alleyway meetings for corinna this time, no SIR. gonna go meet him in a public area and do some public stuff... hohoh sneaky sneaky. (ooooh i'm going to burn in hell for this) but. I was like *imagining* hahaa. that..... thaaaat. my blind date wasn't really my blind date. and that it was the somebody that i used to like, playing a *prank* on me. Le sigh, wouldnt that be cute? hahah *no*? aaaw. i thought it would be. i'd be all innocent waiting *doodee doo doo* and then suddenly hey corinna how's it going (looks over) *who the hell are you, your not my blind date?!?* i know, but dont you recognize me?? (sexy smile) *oh my god, your ____* heh, i know, its nice to finally meet you. *thats a dirty trick you played on me pretending to be somebody else* yeah, sorry about that, but how else could i have gotten you out to come see me? end flashback. hahah its corny isn't it? plus what are the chances of that happening? like 10thousand million to zero. i'm assuming that since he stopped trying to woo me, (woo is a funny word hee hee) hes either gotten a steady girlfriend (possibly married), or just plain gone gay and std collecting. (yes if you ever read this this is what i say) I just recently considered the idea that maybe he got angry at me cuz i drew jess those pictures of him. but i dunno, with the exception of the big gay collage one, all of them were more 'positive' than negative. i'd take it as a compliment that someone liked me so much they drew pictures... hahah i'm childish. But yeah, i gotta go 2 sleep now, oh boy 6 hours of sleep then a blind date.....waaaaaaaaaah i'm scared god!!!!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

goot gawd

i certainly hope this week is over soon, it SUCKS. I didn't even really care about it on tuesday, but i just noticed that its really REALLY shitty. First on tuesday i slept through my morning classes. which probably wasn't THAT bad. and then that same night i was talking to that internet guy i met, and he was like *lets go out for coffee now* (it was like...i dunno 11PM) and if i was a butch girl sure why not, but hell man i could get mugged (not saying that hes a mugger) but come on, i've known the guy for like...3 days, i dont really want to go meet you at midnight or go over to your house. So then i think he got *upset* and logged off. and then today, i went 2 my mandarin class and we had a test. And i was so angry cuz my mandarin instructor wrote the quizz out by hand and his characters were like....speed written. one of them was a complete scribble and i didn't know what it said and therefore coudln't form the sentence....or well rather i did but it was horrible. (no, what. you are teacher china) frick. and today in ID class... man dont even really wanna go there. but. i seriously blanked out while doing my presentation. so bad. SUCKS SHIT when you get super nervous infront of people like i do. thought i was going to hyperventilate really. and then. my instructor ignored me (shame) he was walking arund the tables seeing how everyone was doing. and he stopped at the girls in front of me and then told some funny stores. and then walked behind me for a couple seconds.... then. yup, went straight to my friend beside me.... so sad. I think he thinks either i'm super girly or i'm really stuck up. ERG if people really took the time to know me they'd know i was neither. HUFF so yeah. i hope this week is over soon cuz its sucking more by the minute. oy i havn't wrotten a rant in a long time. whats the world coming too.....

Saturday, October 08, 2005

todaaay todaaay

i'm listening to the postal service right now. this is the song that dana listened to that i thought was super mario. was a boring yet pretty funny day. Iris asked me if i wanted to volunteer for *festival of trees* and i thought she said *do you want to volunteer for testable diseases?* (hahahah say them both aloud.) and then i was talking to Jess and she was looking up halloween costumes on ebay, and she stumbled across all these fake teeth and she laughed so hard cuz there was this one...ONE guy modelling all the hillbilly/pirate/rotten teeth. and its not even a generic face hes got SUCH a distinguishable face. and the funny thing that i noticed that jess didn't.... the man was wearing no shirt as he modelled his teeth. how bizarre. Oh right. so i've taken the liberty of actually using that tickle/dating/friendmaking site that i signed up for like half a year ago. i actually have one mutual match! hoho i was so happy because usually none of the guys that i find interesting think the same about me. But this guy sounds pretty nice....not to mention he IS pretty (ohohoh) haha but alas, he didn't respond to the last msg i sent him. boo urns. This other guy did though and he added me to msn. aaaaaand (be hush hush) i dont really find him that fun to talk to. Like theres certain people i like talking to and can talk 2 them all day. But he seems to keep changing the subject back to his job. Which wouldn't be so bad if i knew anything about it but i dont. So basically it would be like me rambling on about the details of how my sewing project went and how i had to use a certain stitch because this other stitch didn't work because of some thing dumb. yeah total eyeball roll isn't it. hahah but its prolly just cuz its the first time i talked to him right? Oh right, my ID project i'm really stuck on. We're supposed 2 do a mood board for a certain era/style of architecture thats been chosen for us. and Jeff said that we can use anything to depict the mood (material, objects, pictures etc) and i was looking forward to that and all the purdy colors i oculd use. and low and behold i got *international style* The main characteristics of it? Oh stuff like function over fashion, practially no colors because the main materials they used were steel, cement and glass.... OH BOY. i dont know how i'm going to put steel on my mood board and i dont even want to think about cement.... boo hoo.... heeeeelp

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

hey stumpy

Thats probably what i'm going to be known as after i finish my des 370 class. I'm totally going to cut off a limb or something. aaah but its all good. oh boo, there was someting important i wanted 2 post up but i've forgotten. Something about these 2 weird dreams i had? I dreamt my foot some how dismembered itself from my leg. And then i dreamt that i bumped into a really old crush that i had in elementary school in the girls public bathroom. hahaha. Jenn told me that Bento Box C man works at joey tomatoes. hohoh he certainly is pretty. I will go there every day when jess comes out and be a creeper. hahaha jkjk. My design instructors are funny, he made a comment about a spatchloon (spatula + spoon) and i snicked for like 10 minutes straight. In 4 days i think i've met about 8 peoples who's birthdays are all in octber. Me and jenn came to the conclusion that me and her must have been valentines day accidents. hahaha. But anyways i can't seem 2 rmmeber what i was going to say. So i'm out sports fans.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


if theres ONE thing i hate more than tardy people its fucking rude people. and rude people who tell ME i'm rude?? holy hell thats asking for a gunt punch. So yes thats exactly what happened to me today. 15 mintues before closing i got told off by the fucking rudest lady ever. What a way to ruin my day. So, for all you unbelievers i will tell you the story from the start. At 8 35PM (25 minutes before the end of my shift) these 2 ladies come in (beheamoths is more correct probably) and it was starting to get busy again and it was only *only* ricardo taking tables. So i sat them at the nice clean table 13, and they sit down and look around and point to the ONLY dirty table in the restaurant and say *we want to sit there* And, so i look at the table (any other hostess, and they would have told them it was dirty and to take the table they were sitting at now) but anyways so i looked at the table and said *i have 2 clean it up so it'll be a couple minutes okay* and at that time another couple walked in and obviosly i'm going to seat them first before i go and clean up a table for another couple who *already* have a seat. So tral lala i seat them then i go 2 clean up the dirty table and then i tell them their tables ready. SOOOO they sit down. and then ricardo, who has like....4 new tables in a row comes up 2 ask me what new tables he has, and so i tell him, table3, table 23, and table 2 (the beheamoths) and i said go to table 3 first because they'be been here for awhile. and he does, then he goes to 23. and so five, MAYBE ten mintues pass and table 2 comes up. I'm heading for the phone because its ringing and the old nasty hag goes *we're leaving now. Other tables have been served before us and your service is just horrible* and so i'm in a littel shock cuz what am i supposed 2 say, you can't yell at customers obviously so i'm like ** (seriously what do you say to them?) and then the lady give me THE dirties look ever and snaps *yeah, like you even care* and zooms out the door. FUCK ME i almost spat in her face, had she sad that to my face and not while zipping out the door like a pussy. So then i'm like *calm down corinna, deep breaths* and THEN she comes back in and is like *i want to see your manager* and so i'm like *okay just hold on* and i think *good, you can complain all you want to the manager because A) i'm an honest worker, B) i dont lie, i can't get in that much trouble. So i go 2 my boss and tell him what happened* and hes like *ayaaa, i dont want 2 talk 2 them right now because they are really angry, give them business card and call look for me 2morrow* So i go outside and i'm surprised i'm not hemmroaging in the brain yet. and so i say to her (still pretty politely i'd say) *my managers not in right now (getting a business card) but i'll write down his name and you ca....* *YES thats right you do that because hes going to get an earful about your (keyword YOUR) horrible service* And at this point in time i dont even know what shes doing still alive and thati haven't knocked her out yet. BUT i'm still trying 2 make an apology or something so i say soemthing like *we only have the one server working right now and hes got more than just one table*. yeah i didn't even get half that sentence out. it was pretty much *we have one s-* and the old bag goes *write your name too so i can tell your boss about your service*..... after that i just didnt' give a fuck i wrote my name down and walked away. I wasn't scared or anything cuz i dont get scared when i know i'm not wrong. and honestly...service? WHAT SERVICE, i'm not your fucking waiter, i'm your hostess, i sat you for at most TEN minutes. I cleaned up your table and took you to it. 10 bucks say half the other hostess would've been gone by that time. What the fuck did i do to you that results in you pointing at me and complaining at me and giving me that *as if you care* line. FUCK FUCK FUCK. You know that i'm seriously pissed off when the head sushi chef (who doesn't care about anything) askes me if i'm okay. Its been like 2 hours and i'm still super pissed off. If i hadn't been still on shift, and if I was seriously any meaner i woulda yelled back at her. In fact it got me even more pissed off after the fact tath she left is that i took it. GAAAAAAAAAAWD. If her impatient saggy ass had waited like 2 more minutes me or jen would have went 2 take her order but NOOOOOOO i need food now to feed my cellulite. FUCK ME, man i cant believe she ruined my day. AAAAAAAARG. customer is always right my ass. Like honestly in the past, no matter how wrong the customer was, i always clenched my teeth and apologized. But today i coudln't do it, i could NOT bring myself to apologize because that lady was SO. FUCKING. IMPATIENT. Most of the time i could see reasons as to why a customer would complain. BUT THIS WAS ABSURD. My waiters not fucking superman here jesus jones. aaaargh. after that i called up my friend while going to save ons and like yelled my lungs out. And i was holding a 4L jug of milk at the deli and i was like *FUCK IRIS I JUST WANNA HIT SOMEONE IN THE HEAD WITH THIS* and the man standing next 2 me backed away. aaaah rage is funny soetimes

Sunday, September 25, 2005

New York Here I come Baby

ho hooo, so yup, i'm going to NY in february. whoo aaaah. so exciting. But i'm a bit scared that i will get scammed. I got a few info sheets today and one full sheet was about the dangers of new york. hahaha... maaaan. Welp, last week went by purdy fast. Jess and her mom came out on friday. And then i went to see Swan Lake on tuesday with iris, ling and tara. um.... I forget whatelse. But it certainly was a productive weekend. Erg, theres supposed to be soemthing really important i wanted to say but its completely left my mind. ho hum. Classes are coming along nicely i guess (except accounting) yes even econ is okay. Or at least the homework is coming along....*okay* I haven't even cracked a peek at the acctg text yet. Its going to be like psych all over again. My design instructor appears to be ignoring me. It makes me sad. hahaha its okay. Em, mandarin class is going into character writing this class. everyone congratulate me for not dying in the first week since all we did was say ju, qu, xu. Everyone appears to be quitting now. At YC, my brother told me the bimbo quit (prolly cuz they call her a bimbo) and so did a long time waitress. At kyoto, 2 of the waitress' gave their 2 weeks notice. but aside from that thursday was a fun day. Ricardo doesn't think i'm an idiot anymore! hahaha success. me jenn and him were reading the sex advice column in the SEE paper. aaaaah. (Tell me, what are the no no's of going to have sex with an internet 'friend' who tells you to meet them in their dark apartment room, asks you to take off all your clothes and comes into the room w/ a towel covering their head?) Ah its all good. haha. Today i made a trek around the south part of etown, picking up all my moms beauty needs. (sometimes i'm glad i'm butch and don't spend millions of dollars on skincare products) Oh right, just had to voice this. But on tuesday (ballet day) irish was....yes ladies and gentlemen late once again. I told her to come pick me up at six FOURTY FIVE at work (ballet started at 8 but i still wanted 2 go home and drop off my bookbags and stuff and fix my hair or something) well anyhoo thank goodness it wasn't busy. 6 45 rolled around....nada. 5 minutes later i called iris and her mom picked up her cell saying that she *just left* JUST LEFT? good gawd, and she still has 2 traverse down that huge flight of steps, take the train to corona, and walk down jasper. man i was soooo angry. so anyways at 7 10, her sister calls me (cuz i called her like 20 times) and i was like "where are you guy's?" *we're at your place* and i was like (smack head) so i ran home and i was like *DIDN'T I SAY 6 45 AT WORK* (i think this is the first time i've ever scolded iris before) so anyways i went into my apartment and frolicked around for maybe 10 mintues and i was like *aaargh so late, so hot* and she goes *we still have 45 mintues you know* ugh. I dunno why i didn't say this then, prolly cuz i was in rage but still. I DONT CARE HOW MUCH TIME WE HAVE LEFT, ITS THE FACT THAT I TOLD YOU TO MEET ME AT A CERTAIN TIME AND ONCE AGAIN YOU WERE LATE. one of these days iris, i tell you, your tardiness will get the best of you. i mean i wouldn't care if you were late once in awhile cuz nobody's on time everytime, but i've never seen someone be late every single time practically. Oh, and then tara got angry at iris because *we* made her wait at the jubilee for 15 minutes (coincedentially 6 45 to 7 00 is 15 minutes....) and then iris and tara started yelling at each other. huuuuh. but that was last week. Oy today this bitch lady closed the elevator door on a guy. Seriously if she wasn't yacking on the phone like an ape and a FUCKIN IDIOT she seriously should have heard the guy buzz himself in let alone start walking into the elevator. No need for those jabby fingers of yours to push the *close door button* like your going to die. and after he started to slowly get crushed by door she didn't make any movement to open up the door again. I shoulda smacked her eh? hahah naw i wouldn't, but the thought had dawned on me. Cathy told me i've gotten a lot meaner. Which if i think about it, is true. hahah she's lucky that i didn't yell at her for saying that cuz i was tempted to. hahaha. I dunno what changed but I dont seem to get suckered into doing stuff i dont want to anymore. Like last year it'd be like *corinna gimme 50 bucks and jump into this pool of spiders* and i'd be like.....*sigh...okay* Now i'm like *screw that shit*. and i guess thats why cathy thinks i'm mean, because i dont follow her to do pointless things anymore. BOY this blog sure has changed. Its like a dish up the dirt blog now. hahah i'm horrible...HORRIBLE I TELL YA. but. i gotta go now. buy some groceries 2morrow. later everyboby

Thursday, September 15, 2005

quickie tonight

no you horn dog not that kinda quickie....although....*evil snicker* hahaha jkjk.
I'm supposed 2 be in bed, because once again i have a super long day tomorrow.... sigh. straight 2 school then straight to work.... So i guess all my classes seem pretty okay. cept the 2 on TR are super boring, super long, and super....boring.... its so hard, and im always restless in there too... le sigh....but aside from that my other 2 classes on MW are good. china 101 is really boring right now (ju chu fu, ma ma ma....) haha but i think i will look forward to it. my design class is pretty okay too.... cept its really big.... but aside from that a lot of the girls are really friendly. and....ohohoho ... haha you guys are gonna call me a sick bastard for this one, but my instructor certainly is....*nice* hohoh... hahah. but if you think about it, that is a bad thing. because, i will be to distracted by his boyish good looks...hahahah so corny. so in fact. no my instructor is not good looking, not at all.... and the fact that hes like 24,25ish? no thats a complete turn off, yeah man, horrible. hes like an old old man. Just another instructor... yup. hahah. Oh we got a new *waiter* at kyoto. hahah I'm like deathy scared of him. Hes around the age of everyone else (but hes got a kid). And i'm like super scared of him cuz i can never tell if hes joking or not. hahah well i guess not scared, but like when he jokes w/ me or vice versa, we stare at each other for a couple seconds until the joker cracks a smile then we realize its a joke and laugh. haha but by that time its not very funny hahahaha. aaaah its all good though. Welp aside from all that fun fun, jess is coming out friday. Shes going to stay at some unknown friends house. Am i a bad cousin? aaah dunno. Me and cathy stayed up super late on monday night gossiping. haha its super bad, but i told her about my super friend craig. Whos craig you ask? Boy you must be new here, if you read any of my previous blogs you'd know....oh yes, you'd know. Buuuuut, cathy tells me to go and find him because she likes the sound of him. HAR i dont think she realizes how hard of a task that his. But aside from that cathy told me that the art students are going to NY this year. whoohohooo i want to go. but, i forget how much she said it was. ho hum...what else....oh i did bad on my econ hw....hahah the shame.... i think i was tryign to do it to fast... hahahaha....oops.... i have so many math-y courses this year. i guess that means i have 2 get some new batteries for my calculator...hehe. i took 2 of them out for my mp3 player... dagnab it. oy so late... hah one last thing. in design class we were drawing *isometric* drawings today and DAMN it made my head hurt hahah certain ones did anyways. i swore that very last one made my brain hemorage. hahaha. but alas i must bid thee adieu. later peoples

Saturday, September 10, 2005

boo school

Have i ever mentioned to anyone before that i hate school? Le sigh. But oh on the plus side i got into a art class! whoo yay. It really would've sucked considering that i'm an art student and aren't taking any art classes. So yup, i'm taking, Accounting 300, Economics 101, China 101, and Des 370. I hope i like des 370 more than i liked des 390. whoooo ee. I really should be doing my homework right now, but i'm looking on the internet for who i want to cosplay as next year for animethon. I have decided to be for shure at least one of the following two guys. Either Reno the red head from FFVII, or ANBU Kakashi from Naruto. I think i'm leaning more towards kakashi because....well his costume looks more fun, and i'll say unique for now, since i have a hard time finding ppl who cosplayed as him. Reno's costume is really simple and i guess hes kinda old and *technically* not anime. I guess i COULD be both of them. But that would mean that my Miwako costume im 75% done would go to waste....oh the choices the choices. I need my sketchbook back from cathy. I want to make some sketches and plan the costumes out. haha i'm a geek. But alas, i i MUST get started on that econ hw. Its due sunday....oh the shame the shame....i have to read too i think....

Thursday, September 01, 2005

picabo hath returned

Soooo i'm back in Edmonton now. yeaaaaah. Each city has their own pluses. Schoolio starts next week and yeah baby i'm totally looking forward to that....haha yeah right. Eem, but ooh ooh theres a lot of stuff i want to do in town now. I'll make note of them here so i dont forget. FIRST of all theres that ghost tour. oh yeah baby that sounds fun. Its run by the same ppl who do pub crawls so we get to ride in a double decker bus and tour edmontons haunted places. hohohoooo. I also heard about this band thats relly good that will be playing at New City, i dunno how old you have to be but if its all ages perchance i will ask jess to go with me cuz she'll be in town. Oh and i want to go to that tatoo festival, though not as much as when i first read about it because i need to save money....yeaaaah. Um. oh and me ling and iris will be going to see ballet again. whoooo yeaaaah. thats cool. haha we're going to see Swan Lake. Ballet is fun to watch shaaadup. Har har, i want to go to WEM. i think i need some new clothes....or at least new pants.... yeah. aaaah maaan i want sushi. I WANT A FORT MCMURRAY MAKI DAMMIT. aaaand i need a hair cut.... hoho. my neuro net processor is making funny noises. but yeaaah i'm going to go back outside and molt. bah humbug. Oh wait, i had a dream, hahah i dreamt i was working at the restaurant and sum 41 came in (hah, this is the 2nd time i dreamt sum 41 came to work) how bizaare

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Oh Poop

I'm saaaad, I went to my friends birthday party today and all her friends had boyfriends....and they look really happy and cuddly together.... booo urns. Soooo, i'm back in the mac, workin at the restaurant. I'll be here till the end of august at least doing the same ol same ol. I'm kinda creeped out mitch will see me cuz liek...yeah....its mitch.... I hope i dont have a summer fling again. Note to self, dont have a summer fling. But it was nice seeing the gang again. And i'm being honest this time. I think from last time i've changed alot so its all good. I'm not that quiet dupeable girl they used to know....or at least i dont look like one anymore. Hahah. but Beths boyfriend is really purdy... hahah i'm going to hell but totally, yeah. He listens to like EXACTLY the same music i listen too. hahah its cool. I am so lonely..... does anyone even read this? hahah. Soooo I seen sterling today, and hes like all beefed up, (and honestly its kinda creepy). And Kat's boyfriend is the same, and Kat's the same, and Beths' the same. The only ones who really changed i'd say are Sterling and Quinton. Though actually not really just that i used to never talk to quinton. He's pretty friendly so its all good. I woulda liked to have seen josh again cuz hes allways funny. I like talking 2 quinton hes easy to talk to. Drew really scares me cuz he looks really like....tight.... Beths bf on the other hand...hahahah jkjk. but he looks really nice, and (just based on my first looks judgment) i think me and him'd get along pretty well.... aside from all that sporty poker stuff.... but yeaaah. I assume thats the last that i'll see of them till next year. hahah. WELP i think thats all. I'm gonna go now.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Tra lalaaa

Last day of art class today.... le sigh. I actually really like this summer class, it was pretty fun. I'm bery sad that i wont get to see the purdy man anymore. Yeaaaah he gets really angry really easy but hes pretty pretty. Boo urns, i'm so jealous that he bought Christine so many drinks.... Poooh why'd christine have to tell me that. I wanted to go to but, like yeaah i didn't want to go by myself. Sooo i went and watched the Skeleton Key with Elaine today. It was pretty good i guess. And i've got a fucker of a sore throat. Poooh how come i dont have a boyfriend..... I think that the best place to meet a guy would be at work. No i dont mean dating a co worker cuz i think that'd be awkward. But like, if i was working and one of my customers hit on me, or waited for me after work. I think that'd be sweet. How come i dont attract anyone but creepy ppl. siiigh. Well Jess came out and is not safely back in fort mac. She said sounds of the underground was great and she met a new guy friend. Ah but i really should go to sleep, my eyes are slowly rolling 2 the back of my head.... aaah.... goood night

Wednesday, July 20, 2005


I went 2 the anatomy lab today to draw cadaver parts...boy did i almost pass out.... haha i think i'm turning soft man...wut the hell is wrong with me. I didn't grow up getting power slammed and DDT'ed by my 2 brothers for nothing... erg arg. Does anyone like the feeling they get when the open their mail box and see letters addressed to them? I sure to. I bought like.... a crap load of stuff off ebay this past week just so i can get some stuff in the mail....*sigh* so sad....
har har, I'm such a loner in my art class, Everbody has a friend they know from somewhere else except me. Boo urns. huuur, so i was describing 2 my cousin the 3 guys in my art class and its funny, cuz they're like... opposites almost. One guy is like...kinda bulky and piercing-y w/ spiky hair, the other guy is tall and skinny and like....reminds me of a rugged model man, and the other guy is kinda short and tan and like a stunt bike-y guy. One of them thinks i'm stalking him i think. I've seen him 2 times in the past 3 days. First time i seen him while i was rounding a corner 2 go 2 work. And the 2nd time was during the bomb scare (yes i said bomb scare) at work on sunday. The sad thing is, he was in uniform so then its like *oh okay he works there its okay* But me being a hostess I dont get a uniform so i'm basically in normal clothes, sitting there watching...hahah.... daaaw. The bomb scare was kinda funny in a way. A customer demanded he get his change back and wouldn't leave the building till he got his change, another girl took like...a handfull of tempura and put it in her pocket, and didn't end up coming back. The other funny thing i thought was, there was this police man across the street and from my position it looked like he was carrying a cardboard box towards us and i was like * that the bomb....if it is sholdnt he be taking it the other way.....* hahaha....but it was the caution tape hehehe.....
welp, my cousin is coming out on monday....good gawd, finally someone to go out with. Knowing the luck i have i'll get non stop HW hahaha. k days is coming up too. i hope i remember 2 get a ticket thing for my cousin 2morrow or booooy will she be angry with me... hohoho....welp i think thats enough blabber for today. buh bye ah-vree-bah-day

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Bye lil' devil

har thats the first time anyone has ever said that to me. hahah i feel so special. Soooo my life these past few weeks has been completely repetititve. With all my getting up and schooling and sleeping and working... i can plan ahead like 4 weeks in advance practically. i'm so lonely. boo hoo... This hot guy came in to eat today and he winked at me. ohhohoho. me like that. hahah oh my summer art class is going okay too. cept that i'm a big loner, but its still pretty good. theres 3 hot guys in there (cept cathy says they're all not hot) hahaha em.... my brother was a rebel today and stole 2 pairs of socks.. hahah. aaaaah. did i mention i'm lonely? hmm...well i seem 2 have forgotten what i was going to tell everybody..... there was a lot too....jesus jones. buuut i guess i'm gonna go sleep sadly predictable. maybe tomorrow i will meet a pretty man :D yeaaaaaah

Thursday, June 30, 2005

weird dreams

ho hum,
i've been having a lot of weird dreams recently. Last week, I dreamt i was a super villan. But it was pretty cool cuz i could fly, and everybody knows i love flying. I could also shoot like....bullets out of my fingers. I didn't plan on being a villian it was just that i kept on accidentally killing ppl. Like, the police were after me and i kept trying 2 fly away and they'd shoot at me and i'd dodge then like...natural reflex i'd shoot back and like they'd all get shot in the heads and stuff. And then the cops got angry and sent in their arnold swartzenegger of SWAT. and in came....emilio estavez....dont ask why. but he was in like total rambo gear and he tried to capture me but...i slipped through his fingers and eventually ran away from my family....and then i woke up...hahah it was cool cuz i could fly.
I just suddenly rememberd this dream, but and a group of ppl got stranded on an island and it was like....gilligans island meets survivor. i think the plane exploded or something and my friend fell to the sand and i ...flew...and was gonna go get him but the bad guys were near by so i uncontrollably flew myself backwards into the water. and then later on i found my friend and dragged him to our *secret* set up camp place that was nice and well ration stocked....then i dont remember the rest.
The dream i had today took me seriously by surprise cuz the night before i was looking at my friends grotesque book of diseases and i was scared i was going 2 dream of having like....everything. But anyways, this ones gonna be more detailed cuz i remember it more clearly....Sooo...i *think* i was either married to or had some kinda relationship with Justin (this guy i knew and kinda liked from highschool). And my *former* best friend Katherine and her long term BF Drew were there too. And we were in this room and then suddenly Justin like...i dont remember clearly but he like grabbed me and he had this pill in his hand and it was supposed to make me die. (Drew had one too). And obviously i was trying not to swallow the pill and like tears were coming out of my eyes cuz i couldn't believe Justin was doing this to me. But in the end he won and i swallowed the pill. And i started crying, and he held me and read me like....*the* most sweetest heart wrenching goodbye poem ever. And after that I didn't feel so bad about dying because ...iforget. So i like...snuggled into his lap and held onto him and closed my eyes. And then i *awoke* in this totally different room and Kat was there too (having just awoke from the death pill sleep). And Justin and Drew were no where to be seen, and when i asked Kat how Drew gave her her pill and what he said after she said *....idunno he just gave it to me and didn't do anything after* and then, i really awoke...hahah yeaaah the story was really rushed but after i woke up i felt really happy and sad. Hhaha i hope it doesnt mean i'm jealous. not to mention i haven't seen justin in like....2 years. hahah how bizarre

Monday, June 20, 2005

its a mad dash towards the finish line

no actually its a slow crawl. I feel like being very productive these past few weeks (however not productive as in house cleaning).... more as in making stuff. hmmm.. well i wanted to make (learn) to make sushi, and i did. and i also want to make dumplings, and mint mocha coffee drink, and finish my costume, and paint something, and plant a lot more stuff.... vroom vroom vrooom. buuuut alas i haven't. the afternoon hostess got fired by boss' wife yesterday. all the waitress and sushi chefs thought it was complete bullcrap cuz it wasn't even professional. uuugh. what else.... wellp it looks like i'll be staying out here till at least august.... yeaaah *le sigh* i wish i had a swimming pool....i think i'd go swimming ever day or something.... poooh. i think i'm gonna go to my piczo site and make one of those list things of things that i wanna do before i die. yeaaaaah. oh waht fun.
ps. haaaaappy fathers daaaaay o^-^o

Friday, June 17, 2005

whats new sports fans?

nothing really, cept the fact that i have a lot of new clothes and am short one pair of shoes....that dirty shoe stealing bastard. sooo my parents came in to town and spent the week out here, and my mom and i went shopping for clothes. and she spent 500$ on a hair cut....isn't that amazing? but also...SOME BASTARD STOLE MY SHOES.... that dirty son of a....i also dyed my hair today, i finally got the necessary goods to do it properly. so i'm a purple green head now.. hohoh. just like barney. hmm what else. oh my boss went out of town and so his wife is here looking out and BOY is she scary. the afternoon hostess got fired today. oy oy. but any hoo i'm gonna go sleep now....or actually i'll prolly go and finish up paper mario.. yahooo

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

I could have touched John Cena....

Never ceases to fail people. I corinna have THE most bad luck in the whole world. A while back ago i bought TWO sets of edmonton smackdown tickets, and i didn't know which ones would be the better seats. (row 8 seats 15&16 or row 11 seats 6&7). someone told me that 5&6 would be a lot closer to the ramp and i tried comfirming it with rexall place and ticketmaster, and they were about as helpfull as a tub of crap. So i took a random guess and decided 2 keep seats 6&7....i sold the other tix to this guy today with a red hat for 80$. I get to rexall palce today and there are like hordes of ppl trying to buy any type of tickets for like...100+ bucks and i was like...DAMMIT who told me no one would be here trying 2 buy last minute tixs????. and then i get into the areana and the lady seats us and we're like in the middle of nowhere practically. and like 20 mintues later BOOM red hat stands up in front of me and hes got like....THE best seat in the house. Right next to the ramp, in the corner on TV....i like sat down and cried almost. complete bullshit. So pissed off. ARG. what an unlucky person I am. i think i will now go and splurge money on expensive shoes....damn it

Monday, May 30, 2005

It'sa me MARIO!

har i lied i'm not mario. but i have been playing paper mario :) aaaah mario is so funny. Today was a day where if i were a meaner person i woulda knocked some teeth out. Customers who are asses deserve to eat food teethless i tell you. At work when its super busy, theres always that one dickface who refuses to take the table you offer them and instead request the single super dirty table in the far far corner. And when you want to leave, regardless of the fact that you are out of uniform purse in hand and sneakers on, everyone still waves you (not the waitress) down and requests you to refill their water, and when you refil their water they tell you to bring them napkins, and when you bring them napkins they tell you to bring them side plates. GAWD save some breath for the love of god say it all the first time....vreh. so yeah today was pretty shitty now that i think about it. but on the plus side i successfully made it to WEM and bought red bean popsicles :D yeaaaaah.hmm maybe i should eat one right now....wooo aaaah, so i booked off the next 3 days from work so i could go with my brother to the upcomming smackdown event on tuesday......yeaaah who likes john cena...hahaha. not to mention i can finally go shopping with out constantly worring about being late for work. have i told anyone lately that i've gona like shoe craving? it comes from my mom's genes i tell you. i have like....7 pairs of shoes i'm gunning down right now....sigh....i wish i were rich. HAHAHAHAH aaah ebay is fun. me and my friend are looking up jock straps on ebay. when your sad, it never ceased to fail. i wonder how much underwear models get paid....

Friday, May 20, 2005


no my loyal fans i havent disappeard off the face of the earth, i just took a extended leave of absense. I went back to my hometown of fort mac for mothers day and the rest of the week and it was funny cuz i seen like...20 classmates during the week. aaaaah. But aside from the boring week of work, i *earned* enough moolah from working to pay off summer school... oh boy hahaha. My daddy paid me in cash cuz i left before cheques were distributed so i was carrying around like 1000 bucks. AND THEN my mom gave me money, followed by gramma followed by my brother. so i was like asking to be mugged haha. I had 2 live by myself for 2 days and boooy do i hate it hahah so boring, and night time is creeeeepy. i like taped my eyes shut so they wouldn't play tricks on me. buuuut the main reason for this entry today is to comment on GREEN DAY! hohooo i went 2 their concert today and it was grood. yup yup. i actually managed to save enough oxygen to last the whole concert at the 2nd row. (not on top of a garbage can like sum 41) haha i was so pissed off, some guy decided to punch some other guy via my face and he like skimmed my jaw. and 3 guys were like *fuck man you hit her* haha i told my brothers i got hit in the face and lost a tooth haha. after THAT escapade a crowd surfer kicked me in the eye resulting in my contact popping out. so i had 2 see a half blurry half clear billie, tre and mike. then i got clonked on the head like ....8 times by butt's belonging to crowd surfers. haaah but it was good ahha greenday puts on good concerts. 2 chicks in front of me passed out and i smirked cuz i seen their eyes roll 2 the back of their heads....hahah im going 2 hell. but i thinmk i gotta go 2 sleep now before my brain compresses into my spine.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


Okay, i think i've finally come to a realization over one thing. I'm not over Craig. i know this because of the simple fact that when i see the name craig i get floaty and my heart skips a beat. Whats especially sad is that I've never actually met him before. Although i do recall that i had like several opportunities to meet him but ironically something would happen on the exact day an hour or 2 before/during the meeting makes me sad. Really really sad and I cant help but wonder what would have happened. I know theres like a 50-50 chance that it would have ended even worse off, but that way i wouldn't have to keep thinking about him anymore. just on with my life knowing that he was a real asshole and i'm better off. Now all i can do is make up the excuse and *hope* that he was an asshole which would explain the sudden disappearance. It makes me sad again. its been like 5 months since i last talked to him but even the last conversation seemed awkward. What would have happened if i met you that day? What would have happened if I hadn't had a boyfriend that time? Would you still be here by my side? It sucks not knowing. Craig is my favorite guy that i've liked before (even considering that I haven't met him before) mostly because hes so sweet but brutally honest at the same time....he knows how to make a girl feel good. And it saddens me. I think the real kicker for me that made me like him more than everyone else was that when i was going out with a boyfriend and craig didn't know, he flirted with me and then he asked me if i had a boyfriend (i hate mitch more because of this) and i told him yes cuz if i said no that would be cheating (DAMMIT). so i said yes i had a boyfriend. And i swear i could feel his depression even though were were like 400km's apart. I felt so sad that night, and nothing (even the fact that i had my own boyfriend) seemed to make it go away. And then, like a week later my ass of a beau broke up with me because he didn't htink long distance relationships would work (FUCK THAT SHIT he KNEW i had to leave at the end of the summer so why'd he FUCKING BOTHER) i was like brutally devestated and my brothers and cousin tried to drag my out of my bed and my cousin got me to dry my eyes and come on the computer where she then proceeded to called up Craig (at 3AM) and told him to come online. I dont know if she told him that i needed cheering up or whatnot but he came on line and did just that. At 4AM i stopped crying and was laughing again because he picked up right where he left off and i loved him for that because he made me happy for that hour. And that was the end. Pretty much after that night i never talked to him again....or at least the same Craig anyways. I can't possibly believe that I miss him this much. How can I possibly miss someone that I've never met before. I mean i dont even know his last name, even. It makes me sad because I can't even forget about him, every where i go i see signs with Dr. Craig's or Jenny Craig, or shit like fucking ex's MIDDLE NAME was Craig. how....please somebody tell me HOW TO MAKE IT GO AWAY....(sigh). Could you at least come back online once and leave me a message or something? Tell me your married, Tell me your gay, Tell me something....anything so that i can move on....all i really wanted to know was what could have happened.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Sadness and Sorrow

It sucks being lonely you know. One of these days I hope to go to a psychiatrist and have them diagnose me with some time of accute mental disorder, then hopefully I'll make more sense. Cause seriously sometimes I think way to much for my own good. I think its just the Edmonton air, I never used to think this much in high school....or maybe its just growing up....I hate growing up. When i was 6 i didn't worry about not having a boyfriend, when i was 12 i didn't worry about not having a boyfriend, when i was 17 i didn't really worry about not having a boyfriend. Now that i'm 19 i'm worried about not having a boyfriend. When your single it just seems that the world likes rubbing it in your face, and couples come prancing around in your face holding hands, kissing and eating each others faces like theres no tomorrow. Another thing i hate is memories, iknow iknow i have a lot of good memories with friends....or at least i used to think so....not really anymore, I can't seem to make it a day without thinking of some stupid embarssing situation i've put myself in and when i start to think of something from the past i pinch myself and tell myself to think of something else. Guys leave terrible TERRIBLE impressions on me. I'm starting to think that all guys are assholes. There was only one guy i knew in elementary that i liked and i'm pretty sure that for some godforsaken reason he had liked me too....but....she thought that he was useless and woudln't even think of him as a chance. I'm sorry that I didn't stand up to her, and i really really regret never getting to know you. My life is so full of regrets, that i seriously wonder every single day how it would be different if I had done something different instead. Fate is always a couple days off. What would have happened between me and you if i did come over that night? would you have become more than just a memory, would this hole in my heart be gone....would the sound of your name no longer bring pain and hatred? I dont know, but i really wish you'd come back just for one day, where me and you could sort things out and perhaps bid our final goodbyes properly rather than your abrupt disappearnce from my life. Whats really really sad, i think is that you probably dont even remember me, whereas i had at one time fell for you because you treated me differently than everyone else and saw through my shell....or at least i thought you did. The last few times i spoke with you, you seemed like a completely different person. I guess i hate admiting it and dont think i can, but i dont think you really knew me at all. You're just a player and no matter how hard she defends you thats the word that i associate with you now. i have to forget about you.But at the same time one day, even if its after i die, i'd like to meet you. I'd give you the sad smile that i've developed and I'd tell you what you put me through. Would things have been different if i was prettier....perhaps skinnier? One thing i know, is that the friend that isnt one any more was both and her life? Picture perfect, and if it isn't you're sure putting on a good act. I miss being a kid. One of these days if I go to far I just plan on freaking out and have my family admit me to a mental institute....(even if i do end up faking it but at least i can be myself)

Sunday, April 17, 2005

the viscious cycle continues

Look what your terrible backstabbing blog has resulted in me doing. Writing a terrible (not sure if its going to be backstabbing yet) blog about you. Cue flashback, yesterday (read the blog if you must) remember how I told you my friend made me feel like a complete idiot with that whole elbow pipe and *is it the hood stand part* how insulting is that. And not to mention thats totally not the only things she tells me that makes me feel bad. Like when i tell her i can't do soemthing cuz blah blah, shes like *um.... i don't know about you but i can do it just fine* well gee thanks for making me feel totally useless. UGH i'm getting so pissed off again, its like she doens't have the tenacity to think that shes not the only person whos got feelings. Like seriously when i read that very very first entry about me I got super sad and worried and was like man now what, its gonna be so awkward. but i guess i just pretended like i didn't read it and everyting was okay, i just tried to be more like...i dunno careful with my words. BUT SERIOUSLY how am i supposed to be fucking careful when you *basically* tell me that i'm a bimbo. I seriously dont think you think about your words and how much of a hypocrite you are. If i hurt your feelings with harsh words i'm sorry, but it certainly doens't give you the right to make me feel like an invalid. And I think the MAIN reason why this caused a big kuffufin was because I found the blog in the first place. I would CERTAINLY HOPE that if your gonna write bad blogs about one of your best friends that you yourself said had once considered family, it SHOULD NOT be a direct link on your main homepage that is posted on your msn profile that everyone has access too. I know this blog of mine really isnt' any better but at least its not easily accessible unless you have really good luck surfing blogs or i friggen give you the link. Ugh, i have such a terrible life i think sometimes. Like basically my 2 very best high school friends who i've known for 12 and 9 years, make me feel useless half the time. Such a bad relationship. but well yeah i'm ging to go now, and eat or something cuz all that crying and punching walls (weakly as *someone* tells me) has made me really nungry.

some one just shoot me

ug, tis been a super super long 2 weeks...hahaha. my god today was a terribly looooong day. i went in to work 2 hours early to let the other hostess take the rest of the day off to study (which i also had to do also) and i get off at 10 (supposed to) and every single saturday, right at 10'oclock (never ceases to fail) i get bombarded w/ a million take outs and never end up leaving till like 10 30-10 45. Whats even worse is I ring it under the other girl's name cuz i figure i'll leave before they come....nope...wrong. and those last few tables always give a tip... boo hoo.. haha but its okay my waitress gives me the tip anyways cuz i end up packing it and getting soup...hoho...well okay that was work. i got home at like 10 45 and my tbone aunt has called and left like 3 messages telling me or my brother to go and pick up some rice and leftovers. n i was like *but but...its like 11 and its late and i dont have a car anymore* and she was like *hmmm....hmmmm.....hmmmmmmm....i know, send your brother over, tell him to take the bus* n i was like...*but...but* so i got suckered in, and then i was like (lightbulb) i know we'll take the spare emergency car keys and take the car and stop a block away from her place and then walk 2 get the food, cuz hell I aint waiting who knows how long for a bus to come at 12AM on a saturday night. so we got the key and went 2 start up the car....BUT IT WOULDN'T START n i was like....omg oh myyy god not my car brothers gonna kill me. so we sat in the car a bit and tried to see if we left any lights on or anything, but everything was off. so i was like shit man wtf. arg so i called AMA and they were like we'll be there in ~90 minutes. so i was like okay thanx.....DAMNIT THE FOOD. so i like brain hemmoraged cuz i thought so hard. i gave AMA my cell number so they'd call b4 they got here so i was debating who should keep the phone. but in the end i gave it to my brother who went to take the bus and get the food so he could call and stuff if anything happened and he could call the house phone when AMA finally called. so i swear that 90 minutes was like the longest time of my life. my brother called like 4 times to check what bus to take, got the food, coming home now. and FINALLY the AMA guy called and i waited downstairs for like 10 mintues....nada. so i came back up stairs to call brother and see and still ntohing. Finally i see the flashing yellow lights....long story short, the man fixed the car...big sigh of relief. What was really weird (and scary) was that the car was like....not as we remember leaving it. first of all the car tarp was off (and in the trunk), battery was dead (duh main story here but how is the question) and finally, when i popped the hood for the guy this like...arm sized elbow shaped black plastic pipe was like....lying underneath the hood right in the middle on top of the engine. and the guy like picked it up and looked at me weird, n i was like...uh...i dunno not weird....but yeah that was the end. oh no wait one more thing. so after the big kuffufin was over i told my friend what happened and about that elbow pipe thing, and the first thing she said was *was it the hood stand*. n i was like already pissed off and when i seen that i like almost punched the screen. COME ON i'm not fricken stupid here, i mean i'm not an automotives person but i can tell what the stand looks like. GAWD.... i mean seriously, sometimes i wonder. This is the same friend that had that wrote that blog about me saying how sometimes my words to her were harsh and stuff. How much of a hypocrite are you if you do the same to me. Seriously sometimes the questions and answers she gives me are a serious insult to my intelligence. Yes i know i'm a bimbo sometimes but thats when I act like it. guh.... so angry....and hot...and tired...and head achey....vreh....oh and btw my food was cold.... oh one more thing, after i finally settled down it finally dawned on me how much it seems like i've grown up. Like i feel really immature sometimes and scared to do things on my own, but I think maybe today I proved to myself that I can take charge and take care of things. Cuz like in the car, i didn't even really stop to think i just popped open the glove compartment and called AMA. and i thought a pretty smart response to the big cell phone dilemna and it was a good call. and yeah hahah i'm really proud of myself today cuz i handled it pretty well...haha yay.....this calls for a cookie...mmmm

Sunday, March 27, 2005


AAAARGH, SERIOUSLY WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE THESE DAYS. My god. Come on world, how come you gotta be so mean to me. First off all my *long weekends* are fucking useless ESPECIALLY if i gotta work them all. Damn you fucking Goldie, took all the days off and gave me all her shifts till she gets mother fucking back from her nice holiday. I can't even fucking go shopping for fucks sake cuz i got THE shittiest shifts ever. ARG. AND THEN my mofo stupid DICK SHIT of a brother starts like flipping out on me....well ACTUALLY he was flipping on out my older brother who's out here in edmonton with me. Basically calling him useless and a mooch. n he was complaining that we use his car too much and that we take it on joy rides. FOR THE LOVE OF FUCKING GOD i'm fucking sorry if we need food to live and if that is an inconvenience to you. So then he tells me that its not fair taht he has to pay for tune ups and insurance and all that crap. n i'm like FUCK YOU ASSHOLE man its your OWN fault for leaving the car out here and you staying up in fort mac molting. You could come back if you wanted to but nooo stay it is. and BULLSHIT on that whole paying the insurance part, i mean you paid for it either way. If we didn't drive your fucking car it'd be out here doing fuck shit anyways. So he wants us to send him up his car keys, which is fine by me because i've managed on my own w/o a car this long i'm sure i can again. A car is a luxury sure, and its nice to have around but i dont fucking need it. call me an asshole i seriously dont give 2 shits right now. But 2 can play this game. Personally i'd consider myself to be the most favored child of us 3, mostly cuz i'm the youngest, the only girl (evil snicker) the *happiest* and maybe the most independant. So my parents probably secretly worry about me the most and when i have a problem they really worry. So being out here *on my own* must give them nightmares. But they breath a sigh of relief knowing that i have a nice reliable car to help me travel halfway across town to retrieve our weekly rations (which i also pay for). I'd love to see the glares they give Terence (who is living w/ them btw) when i send them the keys back w/ a nice loving note saying *Terence's car keys, because he doesn't want us to drive his car anymore* Thats waht you get for being such a greedy bastard. Send your hate mail I dont care. If i was up in rich city making shit loads of money I wouldn't care if my brothers drove my car around once a week to get food. Seriously if he honestly wants to leave fort mcmurray i dont see why he doesn't. I know the restaurant is having some ridiculously stupid family bickerings but if he left, i'm sure they'd friggen force those stupid differences aside and make up. If not just close the damn restaurant down, from what i hear everyones sick and tired of it anyways. My rant for the day, sincerely Corinna-pissed off-Chow

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

you know you're bored when....

you go on ebay and look up used underwear....*le sigh*. hahah who knew that KitKat had so many flavors?? gaawd i want to buy all the flavors i see just so i can start a collection or something. I was on ebay and i seen strawberry,cappachino, white lemon yogurt, green tea, orange, blood orange, friggen christmas pudding...and they all come in pretty colors.... siiiigh. welp today was an interesting day. I woke up earlier than usual and went *grocery* shopping w/ my brother, only we didnt make it and went 2 walmart and toys r us instead. haha i bought a pair of shoes, and then some easter chocolate for my friends. Painting class was okay today, we're doing reproduction today and i WAS gonna do johannes vermeer's *girl w/ a pearl earring* but the other girl did n i was like, aaaah i dont want 2 compete. So even though i really really really liked that one, i sighed and went with my 2nd choice of jan van eyke's *man w/ a red turban* the colors arent as vivid...wut the heck man w/ the exception of red there are like no colors...haha but i guess its okay. that turban will take me like the whole time i bet, but thats okay, as ppl tell me i seem to have a knack for painting cloth. Em what else, oh i know, right after i left the studio i seen the sushi chef from work outside waiting for a bus...which sushi chef?? shaaadup you know who. hahah....maan i'm craving junk food. mcDAMMIT i shoulda brought my painting home, i was actually in a pretty good mood considering a stayed liek an hour more. hah

Monday, March 21, 2005


aaah, nothing like slaving 2 hours in the morning to get your brother tickets to a event for his birthday only to be told later by him that he doesn't want them. *siiigh*. well today i just feel like rambling on about some useless stuff, nothing really to rant and rave about....except that my wisdom teeth have decided to start resurfacing at the same time. So yes my jaw does feel like its being pried apart. *ow* At work today i flicked ginger in my eye. it burnt. Its ironicly funny i think how i had originally gotten a job to work the afternoons so that i wouldn't be wasting them away. but magically somehow i no longer work the afternoons and instead work the busiest evenings. Its crazy i tell ya..OOH OOH especially yesterday. these damn assholes came in frolicking around like they owned the place. i felt so bad for the waitress who served them. Poor girl. welp. I think i might be alergic to surgical steel. I changed my barbells a week or 2 ago and like my tongue started to hurt again, so i put back in the original piercing one and it went back to normal. DAAAMIT. ps, who knew that rice absorbed flavors? i sure as hell didn't. Yesterday i had 2 pieces of leftover sushi so i put it in a container along w/ the left over wasabi and ginger and plopped it into the fridge. Just now i took it out and ate it and it tasted like someone smeared wasabi all over the sushi, i almost cried cuz it was so hot. haha but i didn't. PS, i'm a butch, haha at work all the girl's always ask for help moving the big tables. When i do it i'm like *RAAAAGH HULK OUT*n i ram that table to wehre it belongs....haha yeah im a pretty sad version of a girl. hahah

Saturday, March 19, 2005


aaaaarg, you have absolutely no idea how much rage i am in right now....Not to mention its 10 friggen AM, i mean who the hell is up at 10AM??? ME thats who. ARG.
yaaaah, so i went and did stuff just now for 45 mintues, and i'm still pretty angry. Reason being, my 2nd brother's 24th birthday is coming up and him being an avid wrestling fan and all i decided to invest in some wrestling tickets for the upcoming smackdown event coming to Edmonton. and so i like set my alarm clock thusday morning at 9AM so i could wake up and mass horde some good seats. doo dee dooo 9am finally rolls around and low and behold what do i discover....i got up on the fruckin' wrong day. VREH. so blah blah wutever. Saturday morning finally rolls around and i sit w/ like, my timer and jolt cola on hand ready to do some ass fast typing and clicking. 9AM...BAM i'm like click drag point click *enter* FLOOR SEATING 3RD ROW NORTH SECTION YEAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! i'm like WHOO HOOO NO NOSEBLEED SECTION!!!! so i like did a little dance and opened up a 2nd window 2 maybe look for some better tix (hey i cant help it im chinese) doo doo, naaw i'll just leave it, so i start like filling in my addy and credit card info and push *enter* only to be blessed w/ this ungodly sight *We're sorry, but your 1 minute has expired and the tickets you were holding have been given up* i did my whide eyed look and went 2 look for them again, my new tickets? row 14 East.... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH, i seriously like went into shock i think. i guess i'll end this one short and sweet. being chinese and all i ended up looking around for some more and got some row 11east ones....but then after i paid i found some row 8east ones.... and me being like dumb and splurge of the moment i bought those too.... so yeaah....anyone wanna buy some SMACKDOWN tickets? aaaah well, i'll use the magic of ebay and hopefully luck will befall this hopeless schmuck, if not.... looks like i'll have 2 be going 2 smackdown

Monday, March 14, 2005


Who loves pingu? i sure do. I remember one time i watched pingu and his bed grew legs and started walking towards a giant seal. it was funny. Welp, anyways, gonna be a short post today. My aunt and aunts went 2 mirama today and i had to work...sooo they brought me back left overs.... mmm good ol' oily peking duck. Well, i'm not so full of anger and hot headed today so i wont be ranting that much....except for one thing. *siiiigh* I think i'm going to be doomed to live a life forever single. Why do I say that? well because all the guys that i like either A) are assholes, B) have girlfriends, or C) suddenly decide they are gay.... i'm serious about that last one btw. I like this one guy for like a super long time, and then i suddenly found out that he was bi. weeeell i guess bisexual isn't as bad as gay, because it still means he's into girls....but the way i see it, hell if i was a guy i'd go for a guy rather than an ugly girl who could be mistooken for a guy.... yes ladies and gentlemen, i am butch, and i used to be able to be mistooken for a dude. i'm not so man-ly now, but i'm still pretty butch i think....hey its what happens when you grow up w/ 2 older brothers whose favorite sports are hockey and wrestling. haha. well gonna go 2 sleep now, my stomache is all gurgly from some weird food or soemthing

Friday, March 11, 2005


OKAY, i'm so FUCKING pissed off right now that i could fucking break something. I dont care if you read this or not anymore you fucker, cuz its about time someone told you. STOP THINKING OF ONLY YOURSELF. GAWD. So i told my cousin today that i was planning on coming back home during the spring cuz i dont have classes, and i can make a lot more money up in fort mac than i can in edmonton, cuz A) i get paid more by the hour, and B) i get a lot more hours. And being a university student i need the money. and she goes *Yeah, you need MY money*??? uh okay. so i was like...*riight, i'm taking over my mom's shifts dude, she needs the time off, and even if she has to work its not like you guys dont need the help* every day i hear someone complain of how mofo busy it is or something. and its like it just wont sink in her MOFO DENSE HEAD. GAWD I'M NOT TAKING AWAY HER FUCKING SHIFTS. i'm working my FRICKEN moms shifts so she can take some FUCKING TIME OFF. NOT TO MENTION, I highly doubt shes gonna skip class so she can work in the morning.... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH MY FUCKING GOD, i think i fucking broke something punching all that shit. stupid shit. so yeah i hope everyone in etown enjoys my company for the rest of the year cuz i'm not going anywehre for awhile. friggen JESUS. i'm going to go and paint soemthing now.


thank god its friday :) or thank god its friday :(
no school, but yes work.... *le sigh* soo whats new cowboys? nadda really, my aunts coming out 2morrow so me and flex had 2 mass clean the place up. hah my god we have like 6 bags of news papers. (we're such hermits) I finally got my artH midterm back, and i think i got a god i'm still in shock. haha who knew? I also got a B in painting (phew) I went into Divine Wednesday to get a smaller barbell, and yaay super pretty happy Mat was there. haha hes got a great smile. While i'm on the topic of guys i'll continue to be a little girl and swoon. 2 guys that i see on a regular basis got hair cuts and became really really hot. which is bad because i work w/ one, and go 2 calss w/ the other. even worse is the one at work has a super hot smelling cologne and i almost like...followed him out 2 his car...heheh oops. welp enough of that. I really want 2 go and work on my new painting project. I'm kinda motivated to do it now cuz i got some compliments from my instructor, which was like a serious first. Also not to mention i dont like looking at one eyed bald corinna's. yaaah, i think i'll take a shower and work on it then. laters everyboby

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

My new piercing yay! Posted by Hello

I dont know what i'm doing up still

its like 5 30 and i dont know waht i'm doing up still. All i know is that i'm really hungry... dooh. I think i'm only up cuz of that stupid art project. Nooo not cuz i had 2 paint it but more because it required me taking a picture of myself that i'd have 2 paint later. And since i'm so unphotogenic, it took me like 2 hours to get a picture that i looked okay in. And since i finally got one i figured i'd put it up or something. And while i was being unphotogenic i managed to take a nice pic of my tongue piercing too, so i might as well put that one up....that is....if i remember how....

Monday, March 07, 2005

what a terrible way to end a day

ugh, aaaalright, so i was fine till just now, when i was bored and i was dooking around on a friends web site when i found a *secret* page. (which mind you isn't so secret if its a link on the main page). Okay, so this Tea Party Page is my secret page. Nobody knows it exists, except jessica (that damn ogre who traced the comment i left her) Even though she rarely reads it I still find myself putting up a guard when i write in here. Okay, well so, i found my friends secret page, and i read it, and right away i knew it was about me. And how....uh i dont understand it actually and i dont want 2 go back and read it cuz it makes me sad. But we had went out on friday and right away after supper i knew that something was wrong but i didn't know what cuz she wasn't talking. i dont know if she knew or not, but i knew right away. and i take it by her blog that she thought i didnt know. But, i just want to say this right here and now (ARG i'm getting all misty eyed now) I'm not as easy to read as you think i am. I hurt, a lot in fact. i'm upset at myself, and sometimes everyone else cuz they think they understand me, but in fact i believe no one does. I dont know how to act around people alot, and when i'm with close friends I feel so happy that sometiems i get carried away. When i get in bigger groups with people that i dont know I get so nervous and scared i swear i think i'm going to die. Its the worst feeling every. Imagine that feeling you get when your misunderstood by a person and you feel bad cuz they think your something that your not. Well, imagine feeling like that everyday, and those people are your best and closest friends. Let me get this across, I dont have that many friends. I have aquantainces that i conjure up basic grammar with, but i have very few friends that i call close....i have 3 actually. It used to be 4, but 1 of them i realized was really taking advantage of me. So yes, i have a fear of people basically, and i have a fear of opening up. I can't stand the feeling when i want to scream at the top of my lungs to get my point across that i'm not a stupid girl, but i can't. I just can't voice myself cuz i'm so damn scared, and knowing that point myself makes me want to die. I mean how useless can a person be? I'm a fucking god damn stick in the mud. I'm so scared a lot because my parents put so much faith in me and they support me and believe in everything that i do. And i swear, if it weren't for the fact that me dying would make people sad and cry, I think i'd do it. Basically the only reason i'm a live sometimes i think is that I dont want to hurt anyone. But its bad because, in the end i'm still the one who ends up suffering isnt it? Im forced to live a life, wehre I dont belong.