Monday, November 07, 2005

bento c man

hahaha you know, i realized i have never ever said anything about bento c man in this blog before. hahaha how amazing. Buuuut, bento c man is the goodlooking guy who comes into work pretty much every lunch and has....yup you guessed it. bento c. hahah i only see him once a week because i only work lunch once a week. but today... ohohoh no i saw him today eating ....*dinner* bento. hahahah ....(mumble grumble) but old gramma lady on the phone took so long ordering food that he left. so sad. BUT hohoh my admirer came intoday. hahah naw just kidding. he prolly just likes the food. but, he comes in every sunday and only sunday, when i'm hostessing and orders take out. and now all the sushi chefs know about him and they always comment about him when he comes in. hahah aaah i think its greaaaat. On the other hand my boss keeps like, trying 2 play matchmaker w/ me and the now single sushi chef. hahaha i dunno if he really is or if hes just trying 2 joke around, but he keeps on like. telling me he likes me, and asks us if we're going on dates and stuff.... hahah its very flattering. MAAAN I JUST WANNA.....ERRNNUUUUGH. i went 2 three...THREE dvd/cd stores today trying 2 look for those 2 (or even one) dane cook cd/dvd things. so angary. so i just orderd them off amazon....YES I KNOW I'M TRYING 2 SAVE MOOLAH FOR NYC.... sob sob but i can't help it.... i also wanted 2 buy the oblongs today....and the undergrads. those 2 are my faaaavourite..... le sigh. but i'm going 2 go now, ttyl folks

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