Tuesday, November 01, 2005

no more depression

I'm positive there isn't anyone who has read every single entry that i have written to date, so i'm prolly the only one to realise this but. I feel like i've changed alot this year. I say this because i'm pretty sure its true. I just visited my friends blog pages and she has one that she writes in when she feels depressed. And i've read all the entries so far, and they remind me of entries that i used to write in my diaries. I used to feel really worthless and ugly and i used to cry at night time and wonder why i didn't have a better life. I always had thoughts about dying and i'm not proud to admit it but i have small scars on my wrists from certain times when i just wanted to die. I duno what changed in me but i haven't cried in like 8 months. I feel really conceited for saying this but at the same time i'm proud because I think i over came my depression. (if it really was depression.) I dont dwell in the past anymore and i think thats a major kicker if your fighting depression. Dont Dwell in the Past. Whats done is done, and no matter how hard you think about it and what you would have done instead, theres nothing you can do to change the past. Thats what i do now, and honestly i feel a lot better. If i embarass myself so what. Tomorrow is a new day, if you dont think to hard and take it to seriously you wont care about it and it wont bring you down.... hha what a weird entry this one was. But yeah i just realized it and i wanted 2 share. i'm happy i'm not sad anymore : )

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