Sunday, November 06, 2005

i'm the yellow tooth dont brush me

hahah i haven't laughed at a joke that hard in a loooong time. So funny. i'm in heart with dane cook. hahahah hes so energetic and his laugh is so cute. hahah say whaaa? its 13 years older than me?? PAH thats not so bad. hahaha but yeah. Maybe HOHO just MAYBE my trip to NYC will happen to coincide with a gig he has. OH YEAAAAAH. hahaha must stop eating toffifee. i went to my friend emily's house to play card games. hahah we played slaps. I think one of my veins popped. I'm wearing that watch that cathy gave me for my birthday to see how long i can last before my hand turnes into a giant hive. (to all those who dont know i'm allergic to certain metals btw) ooooh boy, i was supposed 2 do my econ assignment but IT WAS TO HARD erg i hate schoolio, i wish i could just take drawing/artsy courses everyday. BOY that would be great. Hhahaha but i will drone some more about dane cook. Hahah so he is now the guy that i have a infatuation with. It'll prolly go away after a month but until then. oh boy oh boy i'm going to be like a stalker. tee hee. he's so funny, i couldn't stop laughign at that teeth turn on/off audio one. I get turned on when a girls got nice teeth, like i dont want her to open her mouth and its liek a battle of epic porportions. hahahahah that one makes me laugh when i just think about it. aaaaah. i think i should go to bread now so that i can get up and do my econ hw doodles. PS. it took me like 2 hours to get that dane cook finger banner/button thing up...hahah amazing.....i'm so proud

1 comment:

Omochi said...

*Gasp* You mean you got a new infatuation and forgot about poor Sexy Lexy? Poor Lexy Luther. He's going to be so hurt. *sob*