Saturday, November 05, 2005

i want that....

anyboby recognize that? haha dane cook says that. I've been watching video clips of his for like 5 hours straight. hahaha when hes funny, MAN is he funny. Hes so energetic too. hahah and not to mention bery berry handsome. But alas, hes like....14 years older than me...hahah.... Em....aside from watch dane cook videos all night i didn't really do anything else. I went 2 mandarin class.... then went 2 the bank were i discovered i at a little over a thousand left in my account....hahah thats g-rrrrr-eat. Then i went 2 save ons 2 purchase some brah-cali. and then...who hohooo i went 2 pick up my shoes that came in yesterday. hohoho so happy. I counted all the shoes that i could see today and in the apartment alone, i have 20 pairs..... i'm ashamed.... but at the same time stylin'....yeah baby. There was something important i wanted 2 write in here today. but....i cannot remember. It was probably nothing..... on a different note, the marble slab is now open. OH-hohoh, now my life is complete. Quick access to school, quick access to work, quick acess to a grocery store and buses.....and finally....quick acess to a ice cream parlour. aaaaah. hahaha BUT i think i'm going 2 sleep now. siiigh, i heart you dane cook your so energetic and funny.

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