Wednesday, November 23, 2005

i just want to ax-plode

that is what i want 2 to. So fellow townsfolk, since i haven't written an entry in what seems like aeons, i will give the update. My nice humble abode has now turned into a shack hotel. Its not that i dont like having many relatives over, its just that i can't get anything done. I feel so deprived right now. I'm sharing a room w/ my brother, who gets up at 7AM each morning and his radio alarm plays for an hour before he gets up. I'm a fairly light sleeper, so i'm up once that alarm clock goes off, till 2 hours later after he leaves for work. And then after that its like 9AM and the other family members start waking up and shining lights in my eyes. *sob sob* i'm so tired. and i failed my econ like 1 mark....sob sob But. on the plus side grandpa had his heart surgery today and it went okay is what i hear. I had 2 go to class so i didn't get 2 stay. and theeeeen i went 2 shop class and constructed a clock. whoo hoo. This project i thought was actually pretty fun, its coming along i think i'll safely say. However, i discovered just now that the body of my clock is a bit big....SOB SOB. Oo oooh, haha so my instructor isn't appearing to ignore me anymore. hohoh thats always a plus, i think perhaps he has realized that maybe i'm not snobby and that i actually really know nothing about the shop. hahaha. bryan on the other hand. ohoho boy i'd like to give him a piece of my mind. i dunno whats up with him. erg arg....alas, i'm supah tired right now, and i shoulda been asleep 22 minutes ago. so i think that is what i will do.

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