Wednesday, November 02, 2005

absolutely not

is what i'd say if asked do i like being single.
boo-urns. Soooo i'm finishing up my ID project. Kinda worried because i dont think i'm going to get a great mark on it. I mean "I" sure am proud of it especially being my very first assignment and all, but i dont think its like his standard of quality. and the whole presentation thing? oh dear god i think i mighty hyperventilate thinking about it. i mean i'm sure everyone in the class can tell by my shortness of breath and stuttering that i'm super nervous already, no need to re hash the presentation bit. erg arg. still in a jammy dont know what to do to do. I have a mandarin quiz 2morrow. oh boy thats great i just remembered that. after that i think i will go 2 the studio and spray my door handle and then, i'll see if i can figure out whether or not i should put my iso's and sketches on a big piece of mat board. ooooh poop. this is a weird class. arg i dont know how i should present what do to to do? i think i will write out some notes so i hopefully wont blank out in class again....althought i have a feeling that i will like i did last time. aaaanyways. haha did i tell you i think i'm not that ugly anymore? whoo whooo. well actually I dont really think that it just appears that the people seem to be noticing me more than usual. hoh hoh. i'm so happy, it brings a tear to my eye. but really i think it was super brian that rubbed it in. hahaha like i dont think he has said a word 2 me since class started and then, i dunno, maybe it was the scary make up. but yeah, hahaha. its okay though, feels kinda nice to not be the ugly one anymore. arg, i wish i didn't think so hard about the presentation 2morrow now i'm going 2 get super nervous. silly jeff why'd you have 2 give that big schpeel on how important a good presentation is. well i mean i do know that its important but i'm sure everybody does. arg he's prolly just directing it to me because i suck at those. i HATE presentations. All those eyes staring at me. BOO-urns.... MAN i wish contact cement would dry quicker

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