Tuesday, November 01, 2005


i'm 38 minutes to late.... it is no longer halloween..... le sigh. halloween is my favorite day of the year. oh crap, i forgot i have morning classes 2morrow. maybe i should sleep rather than write this blog....nah. so yeah these past few days were pretty fun. fun for sure. i had 2 work all day on my birthday but i got birthday sushi. haha. mm mmm. and then i got pree-sents at home. Tchow gave me a giant john cena doll....it is lying on the ground right next to me as i speak. irish got me some froggy grippy socks and the first thing i did was test those babies out. Yes, i tested out socks. i also got 2 wallets. haha this is what happens when i complain about needing new things. On friday, me and kat went out 2 have lunch, which was nice cuz it was just me and her. and then at night after work me and the ladies (minus cathy) went out and had dinner at joey tomatoes. we managed 2 rack the bill up to 115$$ hahah. On saturday i really wanted 2 go out so i asked tara 2 come clubbing w/ me (which she did, i like clubbing w/ tara more than cathy but shh) we went 2 the ONE on whyte and got the word *kevin* stamped on our hands. haha (dont ask why) I danced w/ a young magician and tara....tara danced w/ a penis. (i htought he was a giant squid.) hahah but it was pretty fun. i seen 2 couples make out. watching that on the internet seems okay, but in real life, i almost threw up a little. hahah. we got stuck in the southside for a good hour and finally got a taxi at like 3 30AM. but it was pretty fun, haha i didn't die, so yeah i'll say it was fun. On sunday i pretty much did nothing. studied a bit, worked on my handles. Then set back my clock an hour. i love sleep. haha. Today i dressed up as the grudge girl and wore a white sheet w/ holes cut out to be a ghost. haha my classmates laughed at me. haha. I dunno if being the grudge girl makes me look prettier or something because a lot of the guys from class talked 2 me today. hahah dunno if that should make me happy or sad. BUT i figured that brian's pretty funny, hahah yeah hes nice. Jeff (classmate jeff) was edward scissorhands. and will...willie....william he was link. i laughed. bronwyn i dont kow what she was but her costume was purdy too. sherry was a witch hahaha she had pretty eyelashes. i was talking 2 quinton today and i was a little creeped out cuz i wasn't sure if he was hitting on me. hahah prolly not but aaaah dunno. i think i'm allergic 2 that white make up that i've been using theset past couple of days....oh so bad. hahah. But 'm going 2 go and take a quick shower then sleep. oh OH ps. jeff...instructor jeff... haha yeah hes married....and has a kid. hahahah the girls didn't believe me. (and they thought i was hearing things) hahaha. welp toodles.

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