Sunday, October 23, 2005

look everybody, i'm not ugly anymore!

aaaah, i've always wanted to say that. Soooo hopefully if many of you couldn't tell i'm not exactly confident that i'm a pretty girl. hahah in fact in high school i know i wasn't a pretty girl. i was downright uuuug-ly. BUT today it dawned a bit on me that i'm prettier now. yaay. haha you have no idea how happy i am. My boss was probably joking but he said *Stephen thinks your pretty* and had he said that like 8 months ago i prolly woulda ran away like a little school girl. hahaha but no i took it like a mean. hhaha aaah, i was so touched. Em, and then after i got off work i walked 2 save on's and there were like 3 guys standing outside mongolie grill, and yeaaah...i checked them out, hahah i'd like to think they were also checking me out as i checked them out... yeah baby, me like that. hahaha at least i hope they were hot guys. and then as i was crossing 100ave, a man propositioned me. haha no he passed me an said *hey howsit going*....haha yeah i sound like a neanderthal. But hey sounds like a possible pick up line to me. har har. But alas i should go 2 bed, i have soooo much school work to do, and here i am slacking off. i'm supposed 2 finish my china 101 hw (which i wont cuz its not technically due) and then make my des 370 models (which if i dont do 2morrow i will finish on monday after mandarin class) and then study for accounting midterm (which i will try my best to make first priority) ooooh, btw i bought a pair of pretty earings on friday. except this is what happens when you buy them from kiosk people. one of the posts was like 2x as big as my ear hole, so i had 2 widdle it down 2 an appropriate size. and even after that i think they're like 16's, which is 2 big for my 18's and therefore my lobes are a bit swellish...yes, i said swellish ladies and gentlemen. haha me and felix watched eurotrip yesterday. it was funny....theres so many...penises

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