Saturday, October 08, 2005

todaaay todaaay

i'm listening to the postal service right now. this is the song that dana listened to that i thought was super mario. was a boring yet pretty funny day. Iris asked me if i wanted to volunteer for *festival of trees* and i thought she said *do you want to volunteer for testable diseases?* (hahahah say them both aloud.) and then i was talking to Jess and she was looking up halloween costumes on ebay, and she stumbled across all these fake teeth and she laughed so hard cuz there was this one...ONE guy modelling all the hillbilly/pirate/rotten teeth. and its not even a generic face hes got SUCH a distinguishable face. and the funny thing that i noticed that jess didn't.... the man was wearing no shirt as he modelled his teeth. how bizarre. Oh right. so i've taken the liberty of actually using that tickle/dating/friendmaking site that i signed up for like half a year ago. i actually have one mutual match! hoho i was so happy because usually none of the guys that i find interesting think the same about me. But this guy sounds pretty nice....not to mention he IS pretty (ohohoh) haha but alas, he didn't respond to the last msg i sent him. boo urns. This other guy did though and he added me to msn. aaaaaand (be hush hush) i dont really find him that fun to talk to. Like theres certain people i like talking to and can talk 2 them all day. But he seems to keep changing the subject back to his job. Which wouldn't be so bad if i knew anything about it but i dont. So basically it would be like me rambling on about the details of how my sewing project went and how i had to use a certain stitch because this other stitch didn't work because of some thing dumb. yeah total eyeball roll isn't it. hahah but its prolly just cuz its the first time i talked to him right? Oh right, my ID project i'm really stuck on. We're supposed 2 do a mood board for a certain era/style of architecture thats been chosen for us. and Jeff said that we can use anything to depict the mood (material, objects, pictures etc) and i was looking forward to that and all the purdy colors i oculd use. and low and behold i got *international style* The main characteristics of it? Oh stuff like function over fashion, practially no colors because the main materials they used were steel, cement and glass.... OH BOY. i dont know how i'm going to put steel on my mood board and i dont even want to think about cement.... boo hoo.... heeeeelp

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