Tuesday, October 04, 2005

hey stumpy

Thats probably what i'm going to be known as after i finish my des 370 class. I'm totally going to cut off a limb or something. aaah but its all good. oh boo, there was someting important i wanted 2 post up but i've forgotten. Something about these 2 weird dreams i had? I dreamt my foot some how dismembered itself from my leg. And then i dreamt that i bumped into a really old crush that i had in elementary school in the girls public bathroom. hahaha. Jenn told me that Bento Box C man works at joey tomatoes. hohoh he certainly is pretty. I will go there every day when jess comes out and be a creeper. hahaha jkjk. My design instructors are funny, he made a comment about a spatchloon (spatula + spoon) and i snicked for like 10 minutes straight. In 4 days i think i've met about 8 peoples who's birthdays are all in octber. Me and jenn came to the conclusion that me and her must have been valentines day accidents. hahaha. But anyways i can't seem 2 rmmeber what i was going to say. So i'm out sports fans.

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