Saturday, October 15, 2005

doom doom doom

doom is the word around here. Sooo yeaaah. i've landed myself a blind date tomorrow. dont even ask. Well i guess its not really blind, like i've seen his picture hes seen mine, that sort. SOB SOB. i'm having horrible ideas already of awkward silences. So mean. From what i've gotten from him i think that the most we could be is just friends. Not saying that anythings not possible, but i just dont seem that interested in him. Boohoo how horrible is that. I hope i dont do another mitch job again. Althought this time i'd have to say that i was pretty careful. No abandoned back alleyway meetings for corinna this time, no SIR. gonna go meet him in a public area and do some public stuff... hohoh sneaky sneaky. (ooooh i'm going to burn in hell for this) but. I was like *imagining* hahaa. that..... thaaaat. my blind date wasn't really my blind date. and that it was the somebody that i used to like, playing a *prank* on me. Le sigh, wouldnt that be cute? hahah *no*? aaaw. i thought it would be. i'd be all innocent waiting *doodee doo doo* and then suddenly hey corinna how's it going (looks over) *who the hell are you, your not my blind date?!?* i know, but dont you recognize me?? (sexy smile) *oh my god, your ____* heh, i know, its nice to finally meet you. *thats a dirty trick you played on me pretending to be somebody else* yeah, sorry about that, but how else could i have gotten you out to come see me? end flashback. hahah its corny isn't it? plus what are the chances of that happening? like 10thousand million to zero. i'm assuming that since he stopped trying to woo me, (woo is a funny word hee hee) hes either gotten a steady girlfriend (possibly married), or just plain gone gay and std collecting. (yes if you ever read this this is what i say) I just recently considered the idea that maybe he got angry at me cuz i drew jess those pictures of him. but i dunno, with the exception of the big gay collage one, all of them were more 'positive' than negative. i'd take it as a compliment that someone liked me so much they drew pictures... hahah i'm childish. But yeah, i gotta go 2 sleep now, oh boy 6 hours of sleep then a blind date.....waaaaaaaaaah i'm scared god!!!!

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