Tuesday, October 18, 2005

legato sama

so sad. my blind date was exactly like a bad episode of....*blind date* the most awkward moments of silence ever. i felt sad because he really didn't seem to get it that i only wanted 2 be friends. He was really REALLY not my type. i knew that from the 2nd day i talked to him. sob sob. i didn't go on msn for like 4 days because i didn't want 2 talk 2 him.... and i didn't want to block him becuase thats really mean and rude. Not to mention its happened to me before and i'd prefer to know that i also didn't place that feeling on someone else. So today i was dropping hardcore hints. but no avail. And FINALLY he asked me if he could see me again and i said *as friends sure, lets have cofee sometime* and then i got scared that he was going to freak out on me. buuuut he didn't. so that was good. yeaaah. PHEW load off my chest. oh and i think this is the first time that i feel absolutely positive that i passed a midterm. Yuuuup without a doubt. whooo weee. Now all i need is that damn donnie darko man to msg me and brighten up my week. Yaa-hooo. something else really funy happened. Me and sherry stayed after class in design to work on our projects and haha it was great. i shot a jolly rancher at her. hahaha me and her tell each other funny stories. aaaah. welp gonna go cut my own hair. bye everyboby. oh right, as for the title of this blog. on my blind date i went 2 comix hobby and found a legato figure. it was the happiest moment of my life.....well more like during those 3 hours. i found him hidden behind midvalley the hornfreak and zazie... i'm such a nerd. hahaha

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