Thursday, October 13, 2005

goot gawd

i certainly hope this week is over soon, it SUCKS. I didn't even really care about it on tuesday, but i just noticed that its really REALLY shitty. First on tuesday i slept through my morning classes. which probably wasn't THAT bad. and then that same night i was talking to that internet guy i met, and he was like *lets go out for coffee now* (it was like...i dunno 11PM) and if i was a butch girl sure why not, but hell man i could get mugged (not saying that hes a mugger) but come on, i've known the guy for like...3 days, i dont really want to go meet you at midnight or go over to your house. So then i think he got *upset* and logged off. and then today, i went 2 my mandarin class and we had a test. And i was so angry cuz my mandarin instructor wrote the quizz out by hand and his characters were like....speed written. one of them was a complete scribble and i didn't know what it said and therefore coudln't form the sentence....or well rather i did but it was horrible. (no, what. you are teacher china) frick. and today in ID class... man dont even really wanna go there. but. i seriously blanked out while doing my presentation. so bad. SUCKS SHIT when you get super nervous infront of people like i do. thought i was going to hyperventilate really. and then. my instructor ignored me (shame) he was walking arund the tables seeing how everyone was doing. and he stopped at the girls in front of me and then told some funny stores. and then walked behind me for a couple seconds.... then. yup, went straight to my friend beside me.... so sad. I think he thinks either i'm super girly or i'm really stuck up. ERG if people really took the time to know me they'd know i was neither. HUFF so yeah. i hope this week is over soon cuz its sucking more by the minute. oy i havn't wrotten a rant in a long time. whats the world coming too.....

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