Tuesday, September 27, 2005


if theres ONE thing i hate more than tardy people its fucking rude people. and rude people who tell ME i'm rude?? holy hell thats asking for a gunt punch. So yes thats exactly what happened to me today. 15 mintues before closing i got told off by the fucking rudest lady ever. What a way to ruin my day. So, for all you unbelievers i will tell you the story from the start. At 8 35PM (25 minutes before the end of my shift) these 2 ladies come in (beheamoths is more correct probably) and it was starting to get busy again and it was only *only* ricardo taking tables. So i sat them at the nice clean table 13, and they sit down and look around and point to the ONLY dirty table in the restaurant and say *we want to sit there* And, so i look at the table (any other hostess, and they would have told them it was dirty and to take the table they were sitting at now) but anyways so i looked at the table and said *i have 2 clean it up so it'll be a couple minutes okay* and at that time another couple walked in and obviosly i'm going to seat them first before i go and clean up a table for another couple who *already* have a seat. So tral lala i seat them then i go 2 clean up the dirty table and then i tell them their tables ready. SOOOO they sit down. and then ricardo, who has like....4 new tables in a row comes up 2 ask me what new tables he has, and so i tell him, table3, table 23, and table 2 (the beheamoths) and i said go to table 3 first because they'be been here for awhile. and he does, then he goes to 23. and so five, MAYBE ten mintues pass and table 2 comes up. I'm heading for the phone because its ringing and the old nasty hag goes *we're leaving now. Other tables have been served before us and your service is just horrible* and so i'm in a littel shock cuz what am i supposed 2 say, you can't yell at customers obviously so i'm like *oh...um...okay* (seriously what do you say to them?) and then the lady give me THE dirties look ever and snaps *yeah, like you even care* and zooms out the door. FUCK ME i almost spat in her face, had she sad that to my face and not while zipping out the door like a pussy. So then i'm like *calm down corinna, deep breaths* and THEN she comes back in and is like *i want to see your manager* and so i'm like *okay just hold on* and i think *good, you can complain all you want to the manager because A) i'm an honest worker, B) i dont lie, i can't get in that much trouble. So i go 2 my boss and tell him what happened* and hes like *ayaaa, i dont want 2 talk 2 them right now because they are really angry, give them business card and call look for me 2morrow* So i go outside and i'm surprised i'm not hemmroaging in the brain yet. and so i say to her (still pretty politely i'd say) *my managers not in right now (getting a business card) but i'll write down his name and you ca....* *YES thats right you do that because hes going to get an earful about your (keyword YOUR) horrible service* And at this point in time i dont even know what shes doing still alive and thati haven't knocked her out yet. BUT i'm still trying 2 make an apology or something so i say soemthing like *we only have the one server working right now and hes got more than just one table*. yeah i didn't even get half that sentence out. it was pretty much *we have one s-* and the old bag goes *write your name too so i can tell your boss about your service*..... after that i just didnt' give a fuck i wrote my name down and walked away. I wasn't scared or anything cuz i dont get scared when i know i'm not wrong. and honestly...service? WHAT SERVICE, i'm not your fucking waiter, i'm your hostess, i sat you for at most TEN minutes. I cleaned up your table and took you to it. 10 bucks say half the other hostess would've been gone by that time. What the fuck did i do to you that results in you pointing at me and complaining at me and giving me that *as if you care* line. FUCK FUCK FUCK. You know that i'm seriously pissed off when the head sushi chef (who doesn't care about anything) askes me if i'm okay. Its been like 2 hours and i'm still super pissed off. If i hadn't been still on shift, and if I was seriously any meaner i woulda yelled back at her. In fact it got me even more pissed off after the fact tath she left is that i took it. GAAAAAAAAAAWD. If her impatient saggy ass had waited like 2 more minutes me or jen would have went 2 take her order but NOOOOOOO i need food now to feed my cellulite. FUCK ME, man i cant believe she ruined my day. AAAAAAAARG. customer is always right my ass. Like honestly in the past, no matter how wrong the customer was, i always clenched my teeth and apologized. But today i coudln't do it, i could NOT bring myself to apologize because that lady was SO. FUCKING. IMPATIENT. Most of the time i could see reasons as to why a customer would complain. BUT THIS WAS ABSURD. My waiters not fucking superman here jesus jones. aaaargh. after that i called up my friend while going to save ons and like yelled my lungs out. And i was holding a 4L jug of milk at the deli and i was like *FUCK IRIS I JUST WANNA HIT SOMEONE IN THE HEAD WITH THIS* and the man standing next 2 me backed away. aaaah rage is funny soetimes

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