Thursday, September 01, 2005

picabo hath returned

Soooo i'm back in Edmonton now. yeaaaaah. Each city has their own pluses. Schoolio starts next week and yeah baby i'm totally looking forward to that....haha yeah right. Eem, but ooh ooh theres a lot of stuff i want to do in town now. I'll make note of them here so i dont forget. FIRST of all theres that ghost tour. oh yeah baby that sounds fun. Its run by the same ppl who do pub crawls so we get to ride in a double decker bus and tour edmontons haunted places. hohohoooo. I also heard about this band thats relly good that will be playing at New City, i dunno how old you have to be but if its all ages perchance i will ask jess to go with me cuz she'll be in town. Oh and i want to go to that tatoo festival, though not as much as when i first read about it because i need to save money....yeaaaah. Um. oh and me ling and iris will be going to see ballet again. whoooo yeaaaah. thats cool. haha we're going to see Swan Lake. Ballet is fun to watch shaaadup. Har har, i want to go to WEM. i think i need some new clothes....or at least new pants.... yeah. aaaah maaan i want sushi. I WANT A FORT MCMURRAY MAKI DAMMIT. aaaand i need a hair cut.... hoho. my neuro net processor is making funny noises. but yeaaah i'm going to go back outside and molt. bah humbug. Oh wait, i had a dream, hahah i dreamt i was working at the restaurant and sum 41 came in (hah, this is the 2nd time i dreamt sum 41 came to work) how bizaare

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