Thursday, September 15, 2005

quickie tonight

no you horn dog not that kinda quickie....although....*evil snicker* hahaha jkjk.
I'm supposed 2 be in bed, because once again i have a super long day tomorrow.... sigh. straight 2 school then straight to work.... So i guess all my classes seem pretty okay. cept the 2 on TR are super boring, super long, and super....boring.... its so hard, and im always restless in there too... le sigh....but aside from that my other 2 classes on MW are good. china 101 is really boring right now (ju chu fu, ma ma ma....) haha but i think i will look forward to it. my design class is pretty okay too.... cept its really big.... but aside from that a lot of the girls are really friendly. and....ohohoho ... haha you guys are gonna call me a sick bastard for this one, but my instructor certainly is....*nice* hohoh... hahah. but if you think about it, that is a bad thing. because, i will be to distracted by his boyish good looks...hahahah so corny. so in fact. no my instructor is not good looking, not at all.... and the fact that hes like 24,25ish? no thats a complete turn off, yeah man, horrible. hes like an old old man. Just another instructor... yup. hahah. Oh we got a new *waiter* at kyoto. hahah I'm like deathy scared of him. Hes around the age of everyone else (but hes got a kid). And i'm like super scared of him cuz i can never tell if hes joking or not. hahah well i guess not scared, but like when he jokes w/ me or vice versa, we stare at each other for a couple seconds until the joker cracks a smile then we realize its a joke and laugh. haha but by that time its not very funny hahahaha. aaaah its all good though. Welp aside from all that fun fun, jess is coming out friday. Shes going to stay at some unknown friends house. Am i a bad cousin? aaah dunno. Me and cathy stayed up super late on monday night gossiping. haha its super bad, but i told her about my super friend craig. Whos craig you ask? Boy you must be new here, if you read any of my previous blogs you'd know....oh yes, you'd know. Buuuuut, cathy tells me to go and find him because she likes the sound of him. HAR i dont think she realizes how hard of a task that his. But aside from that cathy told me that the art students are going to NY this year. whoohohooo i want to go. but, i forget how much she said it was. ho hum...what else....oh i did bad on my econ hw....hahah the shame.... i think i was tryign to do it to fast... hahahaha....oops.... i have so many math-y courses this year. i guess that means i have 2 get some new batteries for my calculator...hehe. i took 2 of them out for my mp3 player... dagnab it. oy so late... hah one last thing. in design class we were drawing *isometric* drawings today and DAMN it made my head hurt hahah certain ones did anyways. i swore that very last one made my brain hemorage. hahaha. but alas i must bid thee adieu. later peoples

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