Saturday, September 10, 2005

boo school

Have i ever mentioned to anyone before that i hate school? Le sigh. But oh on the plus side i got into a art class! whoo yay. It really would've sucked considering that i'm an art student and aren't taking any art classes. So yup, i'm taking, Accounting 300, Economics 101, China 101, and Des 370. I hope i like des 370 more than i liked des 390. whoooo ee. I really should be doing my homework right now, but i'm looking on the internet for who i want to cosplay as next year for animethon. I have decided to be for shure at least one of the following two guys. Either Reno the red head from FFVII, or ANBU Kakashi from Naruto. I think i'm leaning more towards kakashi because....well his costume looks more fun, and i'll say unique for now, since i have a hard time finding ppl who cosplayed as him. Reno's costume is really simple and i guess hes kinda old and *technically* not anime. I guess i COULD be both of them. But that would mean that my Miwako costume im 75% done would go to waste....oh the choices the choices. I need my sketchbook back from cathy. I want to make some sketches and plan the costumes out. haha i'm a geek. But alas, i i MUST get started on that econ hw. Its due sunday....oh the shame the shame....i have to read too i think....

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