Saturday, December 17, 2005


....我想你.... ohohoh hahaa, look everybody, i can read basic mandarin! *sniff sniff* this is the happiest moment of my life. Ahh, i finished my last and final exam today. yay yay! I can read and write some basic mandarin now everyone!!! ohoho i'm so happy. hahah Right after i finished my exam i went straight to WEM. hahah I haven't been there for like 4 months i swear. le sigh. Theres so much stuff i want to buy for myself right now.... I want to get a new pair of shoes (kinda 2 now that i think about it), a new backpack, a new bag/purse, a new cellphone, a new jacket..... *siigh* I have to finish all my xmas shopping first before i go do anything though. Oh, except that i bought myself a hat today.....i feel kinda bad....but then again not really....hahaha. Jargon 5 I'm so glad the winter break is finally here....although i have to say that this semester went by extremely quickly, and i think i'm pretty content w/ how my exams went. Still a little bit if-y on the econ one (i swear i did super on the first half then i scrambled to finish). Maybe i should sign up for more classes next sem so that i'm super busy and time therefore passes by more quickly cuz i'm not always just waiting around. I think some pretty interesting stuff happened since my last entry but i can't seem 2 remember anything... ho hum. Oh right i ahve 2 clean up my apt a little bit and do some laundry....har har har.... sigh. Welp gotta go folks, ttyl

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