Saturday, December 03, 2005

embarassing moment

hello fellow village people,
i have an anecdote to tell everybody. And i will say this here and now. i did not fabricate any....*any* of the following story up. And so it begins....
On thursday morning i woke up late and was therefore rushing around the house packing up my bookbag for class and work following immediately after. I left the house 10 minutes later than usual so when i got outside i started speedwalking (in the freshly snow covered sidewalk mind you) I turned into the stairwell entrance of the Grandin station and walked down two steps. My right foot pretty much slid right out from underneath me, off the step and into the air. Basically i was airborne for a good 5 seconds, where i then proceeded to land on the stair bum first....yes....ouch. (what? did anybody see me?) Oh if only that were the case. There just so happened 2 be a girl 2 steps in front of me when i slipped. And since when you slip down stairs you dont fall straight up but rather forward, i....i kicked her. i kicked her in the back, ladies and gentlemen. In my slow motion airborne state i seen her stumble and grab the hand rail with all her might, and (thankgod) she did not fall down) sooo i landed on the ground and she turned around and looked at me. seen me on the ground and immediately asked me if i was okay. I was kinda embarassed so i was like *oh yeah i'm fine im okay....oh my goodness im so sorry i didn't mean 2 kick you in the back, are YOU okay?!?! i'm so sorry* and she took it pretty good she was like *oh no no i'm fine i'm fine, are you sure your okay? because you slipped* and i was like *heheh yeah hahah (so embarrased) i'm okay* so she turned around to go down the rest of the stairs and i got up. (hahaa....still not the end my friends still not the end) I stood up. took one step, took another...ohp...nope didn't even make it two steps when i did *exactly* the same thing....again. My legs flew out from underneath me and i landed right back on my bum. EXCEPT, this time....i did NOT kick the girl. Rather than kicking her this time shoe *flew off* and rolled down the steps. The girl looked at this pink shoe at the bottom of the steps and was like ** she turns around, and once again, sees me sitting on the floor on the opposite side of the stairwell. *OH MY GOD, ARE YOU OKAY?!?!??! are you dizzy me to call for help or soemthing* dear me i think she thought i was like sick or about to pass out (or thought i was on drugs is what my daddy said) soooo i stood up and i was like *'m just tired....hahah....yeah.....* because honestly i didn't want to tell her that i feel fine and i dont know why i just fell down a flight of steps 2 consecutive times. i mean come on, after you fall down once you figure you'd wake up and be alert. NooooOOooo not corinna, i'm still all lethargic after wiping out on a flight of stairs..... hhaha but yeah.... that is the end. and once i again i repeat, this is all true. (seriously though, i've only EVER seen shoes fly off in cartoons) ever time i told someone that story they didn't really beleive my shoe flew off....but it did.....i remember because i was there..... le sigh. i have the stair bruise to prove it. hahah. but i guess thats all.... i can't wait to tell sherry in class on monday. hahah aaaah. no matter how many times i've said it *i kicked her in the back* makes me laugh *everytime* aaaaaaaaaaaah

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