Tuesday, March 22, 2005

you know you're bored when....

you go on ebay and look up used underwear....*le sigh*. hahah who knew that KitKat had so many flavors?? gaawd i want to buy all the flavors i see just so i can start a collection or something. I was on ebay and i seen strawberry,cappachino, white lemon yogurt, green tea, orange, blood orange, friggen christmas pudding...and they all come in pretty colors.... siiiigh. welp today was an interesting day. I woke up earlier than usual and went *grocery* shopping w/ my brother, only we didnt make it and went 2 walmart and toys r us instead. haha i bought a pair of shoes, and then some easter chocolate for my friends. Painting class was okay today, we're doing reproduction today and i WAS gonna do johannes vermeer's *girl w/ a pearl earring* but the other girl did n i was like, aaaah i dont want 2 compete. So even though i really really really liked that one, i sighed and went with my 2nd choice of jan van eyke's *man w/ a red turban* the colors arent as vivid...wut the heck man w/ the exception of red there are like no colors...haha but i guess its okay. that turban will take me like the whole time i bet, but thats okay, as ppl tell me i seem to have a knack for painting cloth. Em what else, oh i know, right after i left the studio i seen the sushi chef from work outside waiting for a bus...which sushi chef?? shaaadup you know who. hahah....maan i'm craving junk food. mcDAMMIT i shoulda brought my painting home, i was actually in a pretty good mood considering a stayed liek an hour more. hah

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