Monday, March 14, 2005


Who loves pingu? i sure do. I remember one time i watched pingu and his bed grew legs and started walking towards a giant seal. it was funny. Welp, anyways, gonna be a short post today. My aunt and aunts went 2 mirama today and i had to work...sooo they brought me back left overs.... mmm good ol' oily peking duck. Well, i'm not so full of anger and hot headed today so i wont be ranting that much....except for one thing. *siiiigh* I think i'm going to be doomed to live a life forever single. Why do I say that? well because all the guys that i like either A) are assholes, B) have girlfriends, or C) suddenly decide they are gay.... i'm serious about that last one btw. I like this one guy for like a super long time, and then i suddenly found out that he was bi. weeeell i guess bisexual isn't as bad as gay, because it still means he's into girls....but the way i see it, hell if i was a guy i'd go for a guy rather than an ugly girl who could be mistooken for a guy.... yes ladies and gentlemen, i am butch, and i used to be able to be mistooken for a dude. i'm not so man-ly now, but i'm still pretty butch i think....hey its what happens when you grow up w/ 2 older brothers whose favorite sports are hockey and wrestling. haha. well gonna go 2 sleep now, my stomache is all gurgly from some weird food or soemthing

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