Friday, March 11, 2005


thank god its friday :) or thank god its friday :(
no school, but yes work.... *le sigh* soo whats new cowboys? nadda really, my aunts coming out 2morrow so me and flex had 2 mass clean the place up. hah my god we have like 6 bags of news papers. (we're such hermits) I finally got my artH midterm back, and i think i got a god i'm still in shock. haha who knew? I also got a B in painting (phew) I went into Divine Wednesday to get a smaller barbell, and yaay super pretty happy Mat was there. haha hes got a great smile. While i'm on the topic of guys i'll continue to be a little girl and swoon. 2 guys that i see on a regular basis got hair cuts and became really really hot. which is bad because i work w/ one, and go 2 calss w/ the other. even worse is the one at work has a super hot smelling cologne and i almost like...followed him out 2 his car...heheh oops. welp enough of that. I really want 2 go and work on my new painting project. I'm kinda motivated to do it now cuz i got some compliments from my instructor, which was like a serious first. Also not to mention i dont like looking at one eyed bald corinna's. yaaah, i think i'll take a shower and work on it then. laters everyboby

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