Sunday, March 27, 2005


AAAARGH, SERIOUSLY WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE THESE DAYS. My god. Come on world, how come you gotta be so mean to me. First off all my *long weekends* are fucking useless ESPECIALLY if i gotta work them all. Damn you fucking Goldie, took all the days off and gave me all her shifts till she gets mother fucking back from her nice holiday. I can't even fucking go shopping for fucks sake cuz i got THE shittiest shifts ever. ARG. AND THEN my mofo stupid DICK SHIT of a brother starts like flipping out on me....well ACTUALLY he was flipping on out my older brother who's out here in edmonton with me. Basically calling him useless and a mooch. n he was complaining that we use his car too much and that we take it on joy rides. FOR THE LOVE OF FUCKING GOD i'm fucking sorry if we need food to live and if that is an inconvenience to you. So then he tells me that its not fair taht he has to pay for tune ups and insurance and all that crap. n i'm like FUCK YOU ASSHOLE man its your OWN fault for leaving the car out here and you staying up in fort mac molting. You could come back if you wanted to but nooo stay it is. and BULLSHIT on that whole paying the insurance part, i mean you paid for it either way. If we didn't drive your fucking car it'd be out here doing fuck shit anyways. So he wants us to send him up his car keys, which is fine by me because i've managed on my own w/o a car this long i'm sure i can again. A car is a luxury sure, and its nice to have around but i dont fucking need it. call me an asshole i seriously dont give 2 shits right now. But 2 can play this game. Personally i'd consider myself to be the most favored child of us 3, mostly cuz i'm the youngest, the only girl (evil snicker) the *happiest* and maybe the most independant. So my parents probably secretly worry about me the most and when i have a problem they really worry. So being out here *on my own* must give them nightmares. But they breath a sigh of relief knowing that i have a nice reliable car to help me travel halfway across town to retrieve our weekly rations (which i also pay for). I'd love to see the glares they give Terence (who is living w/ them btw) when i send them the keys back w/ a nice loving note saying *Terence's car keys, because he doesn't want us to drive his car anymore* Thats waht you get for being such a greedy bastard. Send your hate mail I dont care. If i was up in rich city making shit loads of money I wouldn't care if my brothers drove my car around once a week to get food. Seriously if he honestly wants to leave fort mcmurray i dont see why he doesn't. I know the restaurant is having some ridiculously stupid family bickerings but if he left, i'm sure they'd friggen force those stupid differences aside and make up. If not just close the damn restaurant down, from what i hear everyones sick and tired of it anyways. My rant for the day, sincerely Corinna-pissed off-Chow

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