Sunday, March 06, 2005

Been awhile raggidy sanchez

Ahoy mateys, been awile since you've heard my groaning hasn't it. haha Welp my cuz was out here so we did our usual troublemaking, doing illegal stuff scmuck. hah. Lots of fun stuff happened over the week/reading week.... i got a triple digit paycheck (whoohoo!) haha and i was able 2 go to WEM and actually buy something. yaaah. i bought a new tongue ringy-thing. i finally have a piercing thats bigger than an 18, yaaah i feel so special. hah. Yesterday me and jess each wasted 17bucks and saw *SOUL DECISION* at Reds.. haha well not *wasted* but.. you know. Trevor has a hot is himself hot. So is that Tito guy, (hes funny cuz while everyone was drinking water, he chugged back a beer). I swear everytime he mosied on over 2 the guitarist or the singer and started rocking out, it looked like he was gonna kiss them...haha (i wish). Eeeem, what else...oh right, so at work, the chef's are finally seeming 2 like friendly up now. I feel like a creep cuz i keep on looking at one of the younger guys and trying 2 decide whether or not hes not...(insert eyeball roll here) hahaha seriously though. Like whats w/ me and getting attracted to the bad guy persona?? It so can't be good for me.... haha. welp, my toungue feels like its back to its regular normal flexible pointy self, so when i can finally change the piercing i'll take a picture. Hup hup, *engines ready?* hahaha i was watching treehouse over the weekend. That mofo racoon jackson makes me want to cry. hahah aaah i have 2 go ans shower and sleep now. worky worky 2morrow.

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