Friday, February 25, 2005

The Day After

hey scrappy doo. So its the day after and my tongue doesn't seem to be getting any bigger. PHEW i was scared that i was gonna like choke on it or soemthing. hahah. i cant pronounce my s' and t's and i cant do my crazy soundeffects, but ashide from dat i'm doing good. My cousin and one of my old friends said they wanna go and get soemthing pierced so I hope to take them to Divine. hahaha i'm not a stalker!! Jess is on webcam/audio right now and is palying songs by the moffatts...haha le sigh* i used to like the moffatts. doo dee doo. So i went to WEM today (accidentally i SWEAR) and i went and bought my mommy her birfday present at Fairweathers (i've decided to boycott Laura Petites cuz that bitch ass lady) but also ran into trouble.... sigh i just can't help but look like the dupe-able type. So i found a blazer that I thought my mom would like but noticed a button missing, so i took it along w/ a pair of pants up 2 the cashier, and told the girl that a button was missing. And she (who was on the phone the whole entire time talking to her bf or something said) *I'll give you 5% off*.... HONESTLY, 5% what is that like...a dollar??? duh, if i was that lady i'd feel ashamed for even offering 5%. If i said that at my work place the customers would prolly shove a fortune cookie up my ass. but yeaaah that was my day...ahah now that i think about it it was kinda terrible. I was craving like junk food, so i bought a poutine at NYFries.... haha big mistake, it took me like...45 minutes to eat 3/4 of it. I left after that. hahah i cant believe i made my friend wait that long. haha. Welp today was a very unproductive day. I slept till like 2, then i went out at 3ish 2 look for some unfound place and ended up walking around WEM till it closed...haha oh god im turning into a mall rat....I REALLY SHOULD BE PAINTING NOW....

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