Friday, February 11, 2005

Doodee doo doo

dwear mne, what have i gotten myself into this time? so i was surfing the web today (particularly ebay) seeing what interesting stuff i could find, but it went down for maintanence. so with a lack of stuff to look at i visited one of the sites that my cousin goes to regually. something like BME methinks. n i was *going to* look for the grotesque n bloody stuff cuz yeah baby i like feeling queazy (haha um no) but i stumbled upon the big piercing section n was just looking at the random weird stuff. then i made a mistake and went to....*sigh* the tongue piercing section. so right now, i've got my lobes pierced like a normal, and 1 cartilige (forget what the technical term is). and last year i got a tattoo for my birthday after like...3 years of wanting one and i remember talking w/ my friend about getting my tongue pierced. soo end flashback and here i am with that same adreniline-y nervous/happy butterflies in my stomache feeling...aaarg i really want my tongue pierced now. i was reading all the artilces in BME n like aaalll the ppl were happy w/ their tongue piercings. and i seen one picture of a guy w/ his tongue pierced n i fell in loooove with it....aaah this is NOT what your supposed to spend your work money on corinna. DEEEEEEEEEERG. if/when i go get one its prolly gonna be just a normal central tongue piercing, though the venom ones i seen looked pretty neato too.... arg what to do to do. if i'm gonna go get one i think i should go soon, or i'll eventually forget about it and put it off (like i did last year) not faaaaair.... im getting that super adreniline rush now. from experience, i'm not much of a pain feeler, but its just that rush feeling that you get...aaah dunno.... le sigh. damn you hot tongue piercing.

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