Monday, February 07, 2005

i'm a normal peoples now

Hellow my fellow blog surfers, sooo it somehow magically got 2 be 2AM....i sjould be tired cuz i got up 2 hours b4 i needed 2 and couldnt' fall back asleep, then went 2 work from 11-9.... so yeaaah... then i came home and my brother suckered me into watchign the reast of Smallville...and .... *sigh* lex luthor...hahaha i think its his character... it must be, i've never thought hairless guys were hot b4. haha so but yeaah. speaking of lex luthor... i swear on my polka dot panties that i seen a guy who looks exaclty like michael rosenbaum at work 2day.... its prolly just me but i took like a quadruple take. yes he got creeped out, haha. but speaking of work.... Coggina Chow (boss' typo btw) is officially on the payroll again! i got my very first official official paycheck today! yay yay rejoice rejoice... haha yes ladies and gentlemen i amd 19, and this is technically my *first* job. but not really actually....maybe. i work at my familys restaurant when i'm in town, and i've been there for a good 6 years. so i'm not spoiled got it dood. hmm what else happened today.... i ordered i've been craving it like all this month. i had a rainbow roll and i borught home some tempura udon for my sick sick 24 year old brother, whom my mother called in behalf of 2 ask me (while i was at work) to buy some jello powder cuz he didn't have an appetite for solid foods.... haha and you think i'm spoilled... hahah i'm kidding my brothers cool, he buys smallville and lets me gawk at the hot man....mmm MOFO ITS 2 30!?!?? arg...okay i really gotta hop to bread now. bye bye

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