Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Whirlwind Kick HIYA

yeaaah so i just got up.... looks like a mighty fiiiine day today...haha no. welp its all set nooow :p i'm going in on wednesday 2pm to get my toungue pierced...oooh aaah getting those butterflies again.... hahah maaan how did i ever make a week feeling like this last year? I'm haveing a terrible terrible fear that i'm going sneeze right when he goes to put the needle through....hah seriously i keep thinking that. My friend is coming w/ me but she wont get anything pierced. she told me she thought about getting her navel pierced but she wont go do it....*sigh* if i had a flat tummy like she did i'd get it pierced too.... arg gar, i guess i should get ready or semthing.... maybe paint....but i dont think i will. Work is coming along nicely, cept when it gets really busy like on fridays and saturdays... oh the horrors the horrors. so my cousin should be coming out this time next week....which is always great cuz i never get anything done... hwaa hwaaa.... yeaaah. but i'm gonna go and shower then make a lunch or soemthing and go to work. bye bye

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