Sunday, February 20, 2005

double trouble boil and bubble

doig, i'm sooo glad reading weeks finally here....cept that as of thursday 3 30 i was free of classes but haven't done anything yet that is considered reading week-ish. Friday, Saturday and all day tomorrow are all work booked...oh the shame the shame.... today especially was really bad. i dont know why but my fellow work mates dont seem to listen to me which results in the other workers thinking i'm stupid.... which makes me angry a lot. ug i almost had like a hernia today. but i didn't. yaaah. welp aside from that i booked off the end off next week n hopefully will go and get my tongue pierced on the first day that i get off...or maybe even right when i get off if i have 2 work the morning Wed.... yaaaah... whooo getting so nervous/excited... dunka dunka dunka... weeeell i should probably go to bed, i was supposed 2 go sleep like 2 hours ago cuz i have 2 get up and work the big 11-9 shift....yes i am insane...but i need money.... boo hoo. oh riiight so my friend came over and we watched *the grudge* yesterday.... i never realized how scarier movies were in theatres than they were at home.... okay end blog now....*sigh* wednesday come soooon please

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