Wednesday, February 16, 2005

i'm just gonna pass out now

Has anyone ever realized how some people are just blessed with good luck? Well, i just so happen to be not one of them. In fact i think i have so much bad luck it sometimes rubs onto others. Hence why i never wish friends good luck on tests/quizzes/or exams. If i ever wish you good luck on a means i dont like you. Well, the reason i'm saying this is today...(i guess not just today, but its the one i can remember most clearly). so today is the possibly one day that registration for spring/summer studio courses is possible, and you have 2 do that through the advisor. The doors open at 8AM and after my midnight-4am crash studying party, i couldn't drag myself outta bed to get there b4 the crowd. But my nice lovely friend grabbed me a waiting list form and dropped it off to me at 11ish. (number83 btw). so she was like...yeah the were on 60 when i left so if you go now you'll prolly b there just in time. so i like scrammbled outta bed n got dressed n grabbed all my stuff n made a mad dash to the FAB buidling, ran up 3 flights of stairs (not inlcuding the LRT) and slammed into the closed door of the admin office. It was 12 08...aka lunch break. i like collapsed on the floor n thought *SHIT, i got class to go to at 2 i gonna make it?!?!* so i looked around n found a list that said the waiting list numbers n approx. times they'd be seen. it said 61-70 @11 20-11 45... n i was like PHEW, that means at 1 ish they'll start at 71, and i'm sure i'll make it in b4 class starts. (btw the thought of skipping class had dawned on me, but it was review for the class b4 midterm, n i was still a bit lost of the midterm format so i decided not to skip) tra lala 1 hour passes...20 more mintues friggen 1:20 they opend the door and called...*60*.... MOFO 60?!?!? WHUT THE HELL DO THEY DO IN THERE RAPE THE KIDS?!??? gaaawd. so i slumped outta the chair and headed for hour early. i sat there and did some basic math and realized that by the time they got to my number i'd still be in class. n i was all arg-y... but i figured since it was only review, maybe my instructor would let us leave early, cuz she always did last sem.... WRONG. this is like the ONE time she kept us till 3 20 on the dot. i felt like dying. sooooo once again i made a mad dash up the 3 flights of steps and ran into the admin room to hear *number 93 please* I almost cried. so i like thrusted my #83 paper to the lady who so kindly let me go first, only to tell me that the 2 classes i wanted had been filled up, but told me to go on the waiting list. I went and put my name down and counted the ppl ahead of me. there were 8....*sob sob* The one day i decide to not be tardy i totally lose out on everything. But wait...theres more. So on the train ride home i took a breath n said dont be too upset cuz i'll end up ruining my whole day....aaand i felt a bit better. I got home n checked my mail to find a nice parcel shoved into our tiny breadbox mailbox...YAY my make up had finally come in. I like tore it open in the elevator, n dumped it all on the floor once i got in the house. My cousin's aquacolor stuff was in like perfect condition, but when i opened up my tin of pressed powder a small cloud of dust escaped 3 of the 5 pots had broken apart and jumbled themselves together to form a nice mush of mud....i could possibly have went into shock. but i didn't. i marched to the cpu n sent my ebay seller and email, and she (praise the lord) gave me a good deal back.... and then i went to work....where the vietnam lady called me stupid behind my back.... and that my friends is the end of the chapter for today.... i gotta crash now...some one read me a story please

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This sucks, it won't let me make my comment super big. Bitch,I'm going to kick you in the nut. Don't be BOLD