Wednesday, February 09, 2005

新年快樂 Happy New Year!

Hihi peoples. So its 2AM and therefore Chinese New Year. sooo live long peace prosper, hahaa. Prolly a short msg today. just some random blurgle. Me, n my brother and iris went 2 Mirama for dinner today, and there menu was all in chinese, and me being the one who can't read had 2 order stuff. hahah the waitress lady just said some random stuff n i ordered the stuff taht i knew tasted good. yup yup. so that ended being, crispy chicken, stirfried choy, a tofu hot pot.... i wonder if its bad that i ordered a chicken on the eve of the new year of the Chicken.... sorry mister chicken god. Well tomorrow should be an interesting day. Work in the morning (everyone pray that I dont make another big super mistake(s)) bloob. I called my family today to say happy new year, and my mom told me taht i had 24$ left in my accoutn...daaaaamit.... and i'm losing like ~10 bucks a month to the bank for stupid fees...geez i should just keep all my money in a shoebox or something. and theres these weird charges for like $88,$72. amd $21 during the month of Nov. to something like 0086.... weird.... i dont know waht that is... i should go investigate.... Gonna go 2 Joey Tomatoes 2morrow prolly w/ my girlfriends, and brother to bring in the new year. haha so sad. but um... so i was talking 2 my cuz yesterday, n i brought up the subject of one of her friends who i used 2 really like cuz.... well i guess i did used to really like him. and i've been waiting a long time to get it off my chest. but um.... so i told her that i thought he was an big...meanie cuz he doens't come online to talk 2 me anymore. and cousin was like *well he's busy and his msn doenst work* n i said somethign like....WELL he could leave me a msg via email, phone, fucking a letter...soemthing rather than just dropping off the face of the earth..... siiigh, i'm sad now. i've liked a lot of guys b4, and most if not all of them either A) dont know i exist, or B) dont care that i do. and the ones who happen to like me back (or say they d0) have all, at one time, suddenly decided that they no longer like me anymore, and cease to see it necessary to tell me and just stop talking to me one day..... maaaan i do live a sad life.... but so yeah, cousin's friend was really nice and he seemed like he was really interested for awhile...HELL, when my asshole of a BF broke up w/ me he came online at like 3AM to hit on me (therefore cheering me up).... i fell asleep happy that night....ARG, bringing in the new year w/ anger does not bode well. i'm gonna go to sleep and dream about some imaginary hot man that i'll meet in the future.

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