Thursday, February 24, 2005

The feeling is almost Euphoric

Does anyone else love the feeling they get the moment after they've gotten a piercing/tattoo or something? Well I sure as hell do. Aaaah it feels so good. Heh heh, so i tried going to sleep super early yesterday so that today would come faster (not to mention i was really really tired) but alas, i stayed awake till 2AM channel surfing w/ my brother. I hopped into bed but i dont think i actually fell asleep till like...4AM... haha then i woke up 2 hours b4 my alarm clock rang and ended up just cleaning up the house, doing dishes, and making something to eat....random stuff. Hah, i never thought it was true about losing your apetite when your nervous, but boy was i wrong. I almost chucked up my perogie breakfast this morning cuz i was so nervous..hwa hwa. Aside from that my nerve racking day was also accompanied w/ a little anger. My friend who was supposed 2 accompany me was late today. I was even angrier cuz i know shes usually late so i called her b4 i even got dressed and told her i was leaving the house now and 2 meet me at the University and still managed to be 20 mintues late. Aaaah but whatever, my piercing man was hot good enough. Haa, so that means i didn't chicken out, i'd feel terrible if i did. So my piercing man was named Mat, and he was pretty :p I feel bad cuz I super drooled on his hand when he went 2 tighten the beads, haha *doh* So far i've always had a pretty guy do all my rebel stuff. I almost started laughing cuz all the stories i've read about him say he talks really fast, and boy does he ever. But aaah who cares he was hot and told me i was *so cute* tee hee. The piercing itself actually hurt a bit more than i was expecting, but i guess *duh* After i got out of the store i almost did that leprechaun jump haha feels soo good, mmmm. I have like a lisp-y now and an overbundance of saliva in my mouth, but its all good... aaah so pretty. If i ever decide to go and poke some more stuff in me i'll go back 2 divine, I like the guys there they're all like nice and friendly. haha so heres more advertisement, GO TO DIVINE ON WHYTE!!....AND KYOTO ON JASPER!! hahaha. aaaah i'm so happy after i get piercings and tattoo's done. When my tongue unswells from the size of a golfball i'll go and take a picture or something okeey. I have a wierd tongue, and my cousin tells me its gross. aaaw, but its okay, someone else decide if its weird or not later okay. Bye

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