Friday, February 11, 2005

why i oughta....

VREH. soo its 4pm and after finally falling asleep last night i awoke this afternoon to do some more researchy stuff. My cousin sent me an email that i dont quite understand cuz of improper grammer so i'll consult w/ her again. but as far as i understood she said. *dont do it* and that was pretty much it. sooo yeaaah that made me a little angry, but thats obvious when someone tells you not to do soemthing you want to. so then i went n looked up articles on the risk's of tongue piercings and that really didn't help that much either. ARG, call me biased, but seriously like half of those articles were more biased than me. *don't get it you'll get a disease, dont get it you'll die, dont get it you'll start WW3*....sure that could happen, if your piercer was a BLIND MAN who pierced you with a rusty KNIFE....i mean comeon. Okay like i do know that there is a chance that you can get an infection or something life threatening, but seriously put some stats up or soemthing. This one article made me even angrier cuz they said soemthing like, *getting a tongue piercing is like getting an operation. People who do tongue piercings are not trained and have the proper tools like dentists* um excuse me but whens the last time your dentist sat you down b4 some toothjob and told you the risks of what could happen. I read b4 that a guy lost permanent use of his tongue cuz the *professional* dentist put the anestesia in the wrong place. Yes yes i know that's a rare case, but personally i think a tongue piercing resulting in death is rare too. HAAAAR. boy this is like the first semi serious blog i've published before.... btw i'm not an airhead even though my blogs say so, i've usually got a good head on my shoulders and i do look at both sides before making a comment. and this side is the one i happened to take....because ah hell, i'm a young adolescent, who doensn't think a little pain is great?

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