Wednesday, February 02, 2005 this Hell??

I think i mighta actually asked my momma that once before.....or something close to it....but yes this week shurtainly is crazy....First of all i got sick...yes and i'm still all sore throaty....i wonder if its got somehting 2 do w/ work or maybe i'm allergic 2 soemthing there.... aaah i've worked there a week i'm sure i wont die. hmm....well i skipped couple calsses this week...but due to overtiredness i swear. and i'm bery much contemplating dropping my astro 122 class cuz, A) i dont need it B) its wasting money C) the content is relly boring..... so yeaaah withdrawl form here i come.... but oy oy, today was a hell work day...i tell ya i'm just not used to working japanese restaurants.... this man tried to *help* me move a table, which resulted in the soy sauce pot knocking over and it spilling onto his trench coat and jacket....*SNIFF SNIFF* i guess my boss is really nice though cuz he offered 2 pay for the mans dry cleaning bill, and after he told me that i was doing okay and not to worry....*siiiiiiiiiiigh* wat was really weird was one of the waitress' told me 2 smile more often cuz i was frowning....i *thought* that i was an all the time smily person but i guess now i know hahaha. but aside from all my mishaps the staff is still really really really nice to me, specially today. so yah yah everybody go and eat sushi at Downtown Kyoto, not only is the food relly good, its not that expensive and all the waitress' are smily happy people :D

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