Monday, January 31, 2005

Needing Sleep

soo i'm needing some sleep right now but i just wanted to post something quick. i worked today from 5-9...its a short shift, but boy when your still learning it seems like forever. i made like 3 mistakes on one ladies order today. oh the shame the shame. damn crazy touchscreen cpu's and your crazy shorthanded abbrieviation. le sigh, its bad though cuz like some if not all the waitress/cooks/workers speak cantonese and they prolly dont think i understand, and they start talking about me in cantonese. boooy one of these days i'll give them the squinting of a lifetime....hah naaaw.
So i came home today and decided i wanted 2 try out those instant frenchtoast stix things. and i like french toast, but not pancakes. i was so upset when i tasted them, cuz basically....its a pancake, cut into the shape of a piece of sad. hehe i also visitied this slighty disturbing site called if anyone wants to go and visit, go ahead. just make sure your not the faint of stomache.....anywyas i'm getting a tiny headache now so i'm off 2 bed...boy its maybe i'll bring some sushi home 2 eat 2morrow

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