Wednesday, January 19, 2005


oy oy, heh this one required four...FOUR exclamation marks...hahaha. so its still wednesday morning...only 2 hours later...haha so..yeaaah i never did get around to finishing that shirt. i sat her and talked 2 my cuz. then i dooked around on the page and...aaaand...notice anything different??....hmmmm?? whats that?? you hear music???? you see a VIDEO??? ohmy however did *that* happen :P Ohohoh. yaaay i'm so proud hahaha, after like an hour of guessing and checking and practically breaking down my nero net processor i got the vid up and running.... some one praise me....i need attention.... haha yes i was deprived as a child, i'm one of those people who dont like hugs...(i'm not the only one, i read an article about it in the paper, whoo-hoo!). So incase you cant tell by those huge footers at the bottom of the mvwindow(which i actually know how 2 remove but am afriad i will get arrested), this is Good Charlotte's *i just wanna live*. i actually relly like this song, the mv im half n half for but coudln't find just the audio music,hahaa. my absolute favorite part in the song is when joel consecutively rhymes, home,alone,phone and stones... hahah makes me laugh everday. so now all i need 2 find out how 2 do is put in pics,links and a nicer bg/template thing.....*heeeeeeeeelp*....

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