Saturday, January 29, 2005

All Done

Hey pookie,
yaaah, so my cousin went back to Fort Mac, and now I can be a good little girl and not skip class....hah. Sooo i think i actually spent more money than I made this week...especially considering that i only worked 3 hours for that one day....heh. While jess was out here we watched *supersize me, hellraiser, asylum days, dreamcatcher, and napoleon dynamite* hahah so productive.... pretty much all those movies i can think of soemthing that made me laugh berry berry hard. aaah the goodness of humor....
oh i guess maybe i should be getting to the concert which i've been relly wanting to write about. It was pretty good, but not if i considered that i paid for the 4 of us and got the worst seat between us. and not to mention my camera died and i left the spare in my bag. so terrible....le sigh....weeell i guess i could complain more but that wouldn't be any fun eh. yaaah so i managed to stay nice and close when the first opening band, Black Maria came out...ohoho so close i managed to touch the lead singer....mmm so hot. i also got their give away cd thing signed by the band heh, they were funny, one of the band members i think chased a car down, opened her door and gave her a cd. arg i must be brain dead or soemthing, i can't remember anything else....i guess i'll just post a picture up or something okeey, they're not that great so dont beat me.

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