Friday, January 28, 2005

Catch Up

Bloop bloop, sooo my cousin is out, which is my excuse for this no blogging and work....but i'm still trying....i went the the SUM 41 concert on tuesday, i'm sure you all heard, and i got like...savaged....doig i've never had so much sweat that did not belong to me before. besides the fact that i bailed out of the front and sat on a garbage can it was pretty good... yup. bizzy d played the piano...haha it was fun, he could be a one man band...hah naaaw
yaaah, so aside from that i went to WEM today and this ...ARG this dumb snobby lady at Laura Petites was totally stuck up to me. Which pisses me off cuz she was nice when i was dressed up and brandishing a big shiny visa....i'll glare her for the rest of my life. so terrible....and....i got suckered in by a kiosk lady....but she made my nails so shiny...hahahah
OH OH i'm so happy yay yay hahahah i got hired! yaaaah mmm sushi.... hahah thank goodness, i was so nervous on the first day...haha yaaah, but i'm gonna go and watch aonther old school movie okay.

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