Sunday, January 16, 2005

The Usual Saturday

Hohum, so today was a normal did nothing day today. I was supposed to go to the studio to paint today w/ a friend but we both ended up staying at home. haha how typical. Getting a little nervous for the SUM 41 concert thats coming to E-town next week. o^_^o yay yay!!!! haha. I really should be doing that astro hw too...or cleaning up the house.... or something productive. But i think i might go out and cut up my old clothes n try and sew something nice. I'm also debating whether or not i should go and bid on that big lot of Kryolan make up on ebay. kryolan has pretty colors, if i was rich i would buy all the colors and dress up everyday....*sigh*. i guess maybe i should write up a resume too, i terribly want to go to the sushi restaurant down the street and see if they need staff cuz....i need a job. me and my friend and cousin were joking around about typical azn employers. and how unproffessional some of them are: *hi, i would like a job* "DO YOU HAVE SOCIAL INSURANCE?" ** "YOUR HIRED, PUT ON THIS APRON". haha. the sad thing is my mom did that once.... i want sushi now.
oy oy. so earlier today i was messing around w/ this site/blog/thing trying to figure out how to put pictures and links and music on it.... haha yeah it didn't work.... i gueeess i could ask my brother cuz hes this big cpu guy...but that would require moving from my chair.... hahah i'm not a hermit i swear.
maaaan i must get pissed off easily or something. but today my hairystalker-exboyfriends best friend IM'ed me and was like HI, so i said *whats up* n he said *nothing* gimme something to work with dood. so theeen, being the nice person i try to be i tried 2 make conversation and told him i watched white noise and that i haven't seen micheal keaton since batman. and he goes *...are you SERIOUS?!?!!* who calm down there buddy, dont degrade me cuz i have a life and dont watch movies 24/7.... i mean comeon cut me some slack here, half the people i know dont even know who micheal keaton is. ARG.
siiiigh, i wish i was learned and knew html stuff.... i was so amazed when i figured out how 2 change the colors of the font. I relly want to put some pictures and stuff up here and maybe some nice music. and make a nice pretty page....then i will be happy. tra lala. buut thats all for now, i'm gonna go out and cut stuff up...yaaahoooooo!

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