Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Class schmass

Been a couple days,
Noooo not cuz i'm giving up, though many of you'd want me to cuz this page is dinky isnt it...oh the shame the shame. heh so who here likes watching cookie balls melt into cookie shapes when they bake? who else here dispises w/ a passion kelis' milkshake song? it's prolly just me but i cease to see the purpose of the MV let alone the song.... it could also happen to do w/ that video i seen on ebaumsworld w/ that lady dancing and...*shudder* my eyes are bleeding.
Oookey, so yesterday i got...pissed off..again....i think i know why i wanted a blog so much.... so i can rant freely and push the buttons really hard to vent my rage... haha.. i swear this was an actual reason though. okay so monday at 4ish i was at my studio waiting for a friend and eating lunch, and i got paint on my hands so i went 2 the bathroom were i bumped into the stuck up 400lv. art girl....and i feel bad for calling her stuck up cuz i dont actual know her well enough to be the judge of that. but at the same time i call her that because i'm in a 300lv class and *aaall* the other 400's are really nice and supportive, and when i smile at them they smile/wave/acknowledge my existence. this lady though glares at me and then looks away.... okay soo i was in the bathroom washing my hands, and this isn't like a huge bathroom, its got 2 stalls and 2 sinks and you have 2 turn the lights off when your done. so i'm inside i see her and of pure nice-ness i smiled, and i got the usual glare. so i shrugged that off, meh maybe she doenst like happiness. so i went 2 get soap which was next to her. i walked up 2 her and she like....recoiled in fear....COMEON, im not THAT fat, nor do i have some type of contagious disease.... vreh...but i didn't take that roughly cuz maybe some ppl are like that. however, i did take the next part seriously. so here corinna is still washing her hands, lady finishes, and gets paper towel and starts to leave and TURNS OFF THE LIGHTS. I stood there for a good 5 seconds in the dark letting that sink in thinking maybe shed turn the lights back on......noooope. mygod i cannot believe that i did not run out and punch her in the gunt. prolly most likely due to the fact that i was in shock/pure rage, and that i had 2 grope around the bathroom in the dark. okay like i can understand turning off the lights in pure habbit then turning them back on, but HOW in the world can you not realize AFTER that someone is still in the bathroom with the water still running and leave them off. garg it gets me angry still now. if i was in a stall i woulda ran out n smeared shit on that bitches face....grrrrrrr...
oookaay, eat a cookie i'll be fine. so aside from that i guess my week was okay. i got some good sleep cuz i had a roomate for the weekend...haha yes ladies and gentlemen i am a pussy. i hate the dark. and winter. my aunt came out and took us for chinese food which is always better than my attempt at cooking. the only good thing i can make is desserts...mmmm.... my hot water is not working again so i gotta get up early n take a shower in the morning. i hate cold water showers. me and my cousin crank that hot water up so much i'm surprised we dont get 1st degree burns....but its so comfy....aaaaaah.... ookeeey so i'm done now its like 2 30AM...i think i'll finish up that shirt or something then try n fall asleep. bye bye : )

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