Monday, March 21, 2005


aaah, nothing like slaving 2 hours in the morning to get your brother tickets to a event for his birthday only to be told later by him that he doesn't want them. *siiigh*. well today i just feel like rambling on about some useless stuff, nothing really to rant and rave about....except that my wisdom teeth have decided to start resurfacing at the same time. So yes my jaw does feel like its being pried apart. *ow* At work today i flicked ginger in my eye. it burnt. Its ironicly funny i think how i had originally gotten a job to work the afternoons so that i wouldn't be wasting them away. but magically somehow i no longer work the afternoons and instead work the busiest evenings. Its crazy i tell ya..OOH OOH especially yesterday. these damn assholes came in frolicking around like they owned the place. i felt so bad for the waitress who served them. Poor girl. welp. I think i might be alergic to surgical steel. I changed my barbells a week or 2 ago and like my tongue started to hurt again, so i put back in the original piercing one and it went back to normal. DAAAMIT. ps, who knew that rice absorbed flavors? i sure as hell didn't. Yesterday i had 2 pieces of leftover sushi so i put it in a container along w/ the left over wasabi and ginger and plopped it into the fridge. Just now i took it out and ate it and it tasted like someone smeared wasabi all over the sushi, i almost cried cuz it was so hot. haha but i didn't. PS, i'm a butch, haha at work all the girl's always ask for help moving the big tables. When i do it i'm like *RAAAAGH HULK OUT*n i ram that table to wehre it belongs....haha yeah im a pretty sad version of a girl. hahah

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