Saturday, March 19, 2005


aaaaarg, you have absolutely no idea how much rage i am in right now....Not to mention its 10 friggen AM, i mean who the hell is up at 10AM??? ME thats who. ARG.
yaaaah, so i went and did stuff just now for 45 mintues, and i'm still pretty angry. Reason being, my 2nd brother's 24th birthday is coming up and him being an avid wrestling fan and all i decided to invest in some wrestling tickets for the upcoming smackdown event coming to Edmonton. and so i like set my alarm clock thusday morning at 9AM so i could wake up and mass horde some good seats. doo dee dooo 9am finally rolls around and low and behold what do i discover....i got up on the fruckin' wrong day. VREH. so blah blah wutever. Saturday morning finally rolls around and i sit w/ like, my timer and jolt cola on hand ready to do some ass fast typing and clicking. 9AM...BAM i'm like click drag point click *enter* FLOOR SEATING 3RD ROW NORTH SECTION YEAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! i'm like WHOO HOOO NO NOSEBLEED SECTION!!!! so i like did a little dance and opened up a 2nd window 2 maybe look for some better tix (hey i cant help it im chinese) doo doo, naaw i'll just leave it, so i start like filling in my addy and credit card info and push *enter* only to be blessed w/ this ungodly sight *We're sorry, but your 1 minute has expired and the tickets you were holding have been given up* i did my whide eyed look and went 2 look for them again, my new tickets? row 14 East.... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH, i seriously like went into shock i think. i guess i'll end this one short and sweet. being chinese and all i ended up looking around for some more and got some row 11east ones....but then after i paid i found some row 8east ones.... and me being like dumb and splurge of the moment i bought those too.... so yeaah....anyone wanna buy some SMACKDOWN tickets? aaaah well, i'll use the magic of ebay and hopefully luck will befall this hopeless schmuck, if not.... looks like i'll have 2 be going 2 smackdown

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