Sunday, July 17, 2005

Bye lil' devil

har thats the first time anyone has ever said that to me. hahah i feel so special. Soooo my life these past few weeks has been completely repetititve. With all my getting up and schooling and sleeping and working... i can plan ahead like 4 weeks in advance practically. i'm so lonely. boo hoo... This hot guy came in to eat today and he winked at me. ohhohoho. me like that. hahah oh my summer art class is going okay too. cept that i'm a big loner, but its still pretty good. theres 3 hot guys in there (cept cathy says they're all not hot) hahaha em.... my brother was a rebel today and stole 2 pairs of socks.. hahah. aaaaah. did i mention i'm lonely? hmm...well i seem 2 have forgotten what i was going to tell everybody..... there was a lot too....jesus jones. buuut i guess i'm gonna go sleep sadly predictable. maybe tomorrow i will meet a pretty man :D yeaaaaaah

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