Friday, May 20, 2005


no my loyal fans i havent disappeard off the face of the earth, i just took a extended leave of absense. I went back to my hometown of fort mac for mothers day and the rest of the week and it was funny cuz i seen like...20 classmates during the week. aaaaah. But aside from the boring week of work, i *earned* enough moolah from working to pay off summer school... oh boy hahaha. My daddy paid me in cash cuz i left before cheques were distributed so i was carrying around like 1000 bucks. AND THEN my mom gave me money, followed by gramma followed by my brother. so i was like asking to be mugged haha. I had 2 live by myself for 2 days and boooy do i hate it hahah so boring, and night time is creeeeepy. i like taped my eyes shut so they wouldn't play tricks on me. buuuut the main reason for this entry today is to comment on GREEN DAY! hohooo i went 2 their concert today and it was grood. yup yup. i actually managed to save enough oxygen to last the whole concert at the 2nd row. (not on top of a garbage can like sum 41) haha i was so pissed off, some guy decided to punch some other guy via my face and he like skimmed my jaw. and 3 guys were like *fuck man you hit her* haha i told my brothers i got hit in the face and lost a tooth haha. after THAT escapade a crowd surfer kicked me in the eye resulting in my contact popping out. so i had 2 see a half blurry half clear billie, tre and mike. then i got clonked on the head like ....8 times by butt's belonging to crowd surfers. haaah but it was good ahha greenday puts on good concerts. 2 chicks in front of me passed out and i smirked cuz i seen their eyes roll 2 the back of their heads....hahah im going 2 hell. but i thinmk i gotta go 2 sleep now before my brain compresses into my spine.

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