Monday, June 20, 2005

its a mad dash towards the finish line

no actually its a slow crawl. I feel like being very productive these past few weeks (however not productive as in house cleaning).... more as in making stuff. hmmm.. well i wanted to make (learn) to make sushi, and i did. and i also want to make dumplings, and mint mocha coffee drink, and finish my costume, and paint something, and plant a lot more stuff.... vroom vroom vrooom. buuuut alas i haven't. the afternoon hostess got fired by boss' wife yesterday. all the waitress and sushi chefs thought it was complete bullcrap cuz it wasn't even professional. uuugh. what else.... wellp it looks like i'll be staying out here till at least august.... yeaaah *le sigh* i wish i had a swimming pool....i think i'd go swimming ever day or something.... poooh. i think i'm gonna go to my piczo site and make one of those list things of things that i wanna do before i die. yeaaaaah. oh waht fun.
ps. haaaaappy fathers daaaaay o^-^o

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