Friday, June 17, 2005

whats new sports fans?

nothing really, cept the fact that i have a lot of new clothes and am short one pair of shoes....that dirty shoe stealing bastard. sooo my parents came in to town and spent the week out here, and my mom and i went shopping for clothes. and she spent 500$ on a hair cut....isn't that amazing? but also...SOME BASTARD STOLE MY SHOES.... that dirty son of a....i also dyed my hair today, i finally got the necessary goods to do it properly. so i'm a purple green head now.. hohoh. just like barney. hmm what else. oh my boss went out of town and so his wife is here looking out and BOY is she scary. the afternoon hostess got fired today. oy oy. but any hoo i'm gonna go sleep now....or actually i'll prolly go and finish up paper mario.. yahooo

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