Friday, March 31, 2006

yo dawg

C-cho, here how goes it. Arg matey. this ones prolly gonna be another short li'l post. I have a mandarin quiz 2morrow which i am extremely not looking forward too. oh snap. OH i remember what i wanted 2 say now. *hoho* i seen mister good lookin' again today. haaar, i forgets if i posted about him before. (just have 2 cut in, i'm listening 2 the main theme from FFVII right now and i just have to say that i absolutely love this part even since i was young.....*sigh* so beautiful) oh but right! hahah the pretty man came into my work place again, haha hes so lonely he always comes in by himself....but he sure is pretty! *wink wink nudge nudge* hahaha i have absolutely no idea what that means. But, i should prolly go 2 bread, gotta go 2 the U early 2morrow so i can register for china 202 next year and hopefully get some moolah back from el senoir der. Tra lalaaa.

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