Thursday, March 16, 2006


super short post today. I'm aiming 2 fall asleep before 1AM. (i tried yesterday but somehow it became 3AM....) anyhoo, just wanted 2 comment on design class today. Hohoh i'm so happy that my stool is finally finished (er well not 'quite' i want 2 touch up the blotchy paint job i did) But i'm actually extremely proud of this project. Hahah A) because its actually the first functional working thing that i built. B) its the first thing i made completely using power tools and wood. and C) it looks presentable! Hohoh i'm so proud of you stoolzilla. hahaha. I know that like in a manufactured eye its far from perfect, but, HEY SHUDDUP i like it. hahaha I'm debating whether or not i should give it away because it holds a special place in my heart....haha. sigh. Anyways i'm going to bed now. hohoh looky you guys a post completed in under 5 minutes! shocking.
ps. looking forward to friday and saturday, hohoh perhaps i will meet my future husband? hahah riiiiight.

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