Saturday, March 18, 2006


其得, 我今天去得地方其是太好了! siiigh, i love night people....
i went on my very first pub crawl today w/ a bunch of fry-ends. I feel kinda bad because iris asked me 2 go 2 this art auction thingy but i completely forgot about it....but at the same time.... i really wanted 2 go on this pub crawl..... Althought the actual crawl wasn't that great as i was hoping it would be. We stayed at each bar for like....30 minutes. And then the bars seemed 2 get progressively worse. First we went 2 The Globe, then Iron Horse, then The Standard and finally Union Hall. I think i liked Iron Horse best out of the 3 music wise anyways. The Standard's set up was nice but the music wasn't that great i find. Oh hahah and our bus leader man was extremely good looking. Or well not 'extremely' but pretty good. Tee Hee. This guy threw up in front of his and splatter got onto my shoes....*sob sob* Aaaah, anyways the Union was really bad i think, they were overbooked and we had 2 wait like 10 mintues 2 get in (even w/ VIP passes) and inside everything was sticky, and the music was the worst i think. It reminded me of moshing music. Hahah. Aaaah so anyways we got on some random bus and it took us to Whyte Ave where we all walked 2 Sam Wok (we beat the rush by like 10 mintues i swear) and ate some dinner. And then the group split up and me and cathy went in search of an elusive taxi. Hahaha surprisingly this was actually my favorite part of the night. We walked for like 20 mintues in the blowing snow (in short skirts also) trying 2 wave a cab down. And we started walking 2 wards the U and me and cathy went on the opposite sides of the road trying 2 get a cab and while i was standing by myself a random guy walked up to me and gave me a single rose.... aaaaaaaaaaw.... hahaha. the miracle of mini skirts strikes again. So then we were still having no luck and my thunder-thighs were starting 2 get numb so i thought we would try walking 2 Tim Horton's and waiting 4 a cab there cuz thats what i did last time i got stranged at whyte. And so me and cathy started walking, and this cute guy wearing only a t-shirt and jeans jogs past us and is like,
"aaaarg its f-in FREEZING out here" (looks at us)
and i go, *it sure the hell is!*
"HEY, at least you guys have JACKETS!!!!"
and i said, *HEY, at least you have PANTS!!!!*
"....thats a very good point...." and then he ran back and spun me and cathy around (and i said he was cute) and then he started jogging off again. AND THEN. an empty cab came by and he waved at it but it drove past him, and me and cathy waved, and it started 2 slow down, but this other couple started running towards it and we were like *NOOOOOOOOOooooooo* and then, the cutie like bulldozed past the 1st couple and was like *TAXI MAN, TAKE THESE 2 GIRLS THEY'RE FREEZING, SERIOUSLY I'VE SEEN THEM WALKING FROM LIKE 8 BLOCKS TAKE THEM TAKE THEM!!!!* ....and the taxi man did take us..... AAAAAAAAWWW. so then before i got in the taxi i was like *oh thanks so much!!* and he winked at me and kissed his fingers and put them on my cheek and then he turned his face and kinda leaned in towards me. Aaaaand i prolly woulda done it either or, but i still thought he was really sweet, and since he didnt try and like force a slobbery kiss on me, i kissed him on the cheek....aaaaaaww.... i'm so sappy. hahaha but it was AWESOME!!!! sigh. i shoulda asked for his name. why WHYYYYY. le sigh. I also think i re-caught my cold again.... heheh OOPS.... aaaaargh gotta go 2 bread now.
ps. i think i'm a little tipsy, i'm re-reading this entry and i realize i make very little sense....

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